企業的成功關鍵在於優秀的人才,但優秀的人才除了需要在專業領域的精通外,也必須擁有優秀的心理特質。而高科技從業人員面對高度的工作壓力、生活緊張,進而導致各種身心疾病的產生。此時,擁有正面的心理特質並能夠克服生活與工作上的難關更顯得重要。 本研究藉由探討個案公司管理人員的職業自我效能與工作上對同仁的信任瞭解正面的心理特質對工作以及生活滿意程度之影響,並同時探討兩岸員工在職業自我效能、對同仁之信任以及工作和生活滿意上之差異。 本研究以問卷方式進行實徵調查,研究結果發現:職業自我效能與對同仁之信任對於工作滿意有正向的相關性但對於生活滿意程度並沒有顯著的影響。同時,職業自我效能對同仁的信任之間存在著正面的相關性。 而在兩岸管理人員的比較上,兩者在職業自我效能、工作滿意以及生活滿意的程度上並沒有顯著的差異,但在對同仁的信任上,台灣籍管理者顯著地高於中國籍管理者。 ;In the competitive business world, a business needs to cultivate its human resources, not just in terms of the employer’s professional skills, but also their psychological inner strength. Especially in high techbusiness, those technical employees usually get physical or psychological diseases because of overloaded work and life pressure. Therefore, it is important to these high tech companies to help its employees to own positive psychological capital and to overcome that crisis from work and life. This thesis focuses a Taiwan’s high tech manufacturer in China. A survey was implemented to find out the company’s managers occupational self-efficacy and the trust to the colleagues at work. This study tries to understand the influence of the manager’s optimistic psychological characters to their work and the life satisfactions, a comparison was made to find out the differences of those variables between Taiwanese employees and Chinese counterparts. The conclusion shows that both the occupational self-efficacy and the trust to the colleagues positively related to job satisfaction, but not to life satisfaction. Meanwhile, we also found that occupational self-efficacy and the trust to the colleagues are correlated. To make a comparison on their psychological well-beings between Taiwanese managers and the Chinese counterparts, there are no noticeable differences to the occupational self-efficacy, the work and the life satisfactions. However, about variable “the trust to the colleagues”, the score of Taiwanese managers are higher than that of Chinese ones.