醫療產業具有高度專業知識的高進入障礙以及資訊不對稱的因素,造成其賣方市場的特性。過去醫療院所擁有較大的自由定價空間,但在1995年自從全民健保實施之後,改變了醫師與病人之間的關係,醫療產業也因此轉向以買方市場 (中央健保局)為主。由於專科醫師的待遇大不如前,因此有越來越多的醫師想要脫離醫院的枷鎖,而有自求開業發展的趨勢。 本研究者希冀能結合泌尿醫學領域以及從企業管理的角度,探討在未來泌尿醫療環境中,更具效率之醫院經營模式。因此本研究目的有二: 1. 協助醫療從業人員及醫療機構瞭解我國泌尿科市場,在未來人口變動之競爭潛力。 2. 分析在目前醫療市場經營模式並探討其各模式優缺點,且進一步探討應該以何種經營模式進入泌尿科醫療市場,成功之機率為之最高。 本研究以採取歷史文獻收集、分析方法,透過政府公佈資料與醫院內部就診統計來分析醫院經營模式之可行性、並來規劃醫院未來因應的藍圖。 本研究藉由經建會的人口推估資料,推估出從2006年在未來45年後,老年人的人口將呈現2.5倍的增長,在20歲以下的人口將萎縮到目前的40%,這結果說明了未來將是老年化的社會。根據人口比率推估之未來泌尿醫療市場估計,以50歲以上的人口為分水嶺,目前泌尿疾病佔了總門診的5%左右。本研究發現,到了2036年時,60歲以上的泌尿科看診人數將從目前的40萬急速上升至100萬,未來泌尿醫療市場將是大有可期。在醫院經營模式,將選擇以策略聯盟的方式進入泌尿科醫療市場、以大台北地區板橋為門診設立之優先考慮地點、並與知名醫療機構合作;同時在新竹地區,選擇一家目前已經在營業的外科診所作為合作夥伴,以便為企業帶來最佳之利潤。 ;Healthcare industry requires highly specialized technique and consists of asymmetrical information, which results in high entrance barrier. Since the introduction of National health Policy in 1995, the doctor-patient relationship has changed dramatically and the service price is mainly determined by the buyer (Central Health Bureau) instead of the healthcare provider. Medical specialists are constraint by such limited pay and more and more doctors wish to set up their own businesses and create self-paid charges. The objective of this study is to integrate both the medical and management science to find out an efficient business model for setting up a urologic institute. There are two aims in this study: 1.To assist medical professionals and institutes to further understand our domestic urologic market and to discover the future competitive potential. 2.To analyze the present businesses models and compares their advantages and pitfalls to decide which model carry the highest success rate when entering the urologic market. We analyzed the primary data from 2 district teaching hospitals and the official secondary data to investigate the feasibility of running such business model and figure out the future plan of the institute. Out study revealed that the old age people will increase 2.5 fold after 45 years from 2006 whilst the young population (<20 years old) will shrink to 40% instead; Till the year of 2036, the old male patients who require urologic consultation will increase from the present 400,000 to 1 million, which is a great potential market . Regarding the business model, we prefer alliance and we choose Banchiao city as our target to set up the outpatient clinic and corporate with one of the eminent “6-star” hospital nearby; we also choose a clinic in Hsinchu city as our business partner and run the business simultaneously and separately.