摘要: | 由於軟體專案發展日益複雜,但是軟體發展非常依賴人工作業,專案發展過程的許多問題,如專案需求目標的變動,專案溝通不良,品質控管或專案管理能力不足等等,這些問題造成了專案品質低落,專案執行進度無法掌握及專案成本提高,不僅增加了軟體專案管理上的複雜與困難,也造成了軟體專案失敗比率居高不下的原因。然而專案管理領域知識的發展已有數十年的歷史,而軟體專案失敗的比率仍然偏高,顯示一般專案管理並沒有針對軟體專案的特殊性;提供適當的管理模式,因此,自九零年代以後,對於軟體專案管理的發展研究,將軟體專案品質的控管;移轉到軟體發展的過程,軟體發展的過程會影響到軟體產品的品質,期望藉由軟體發展過程;依循標準的程序來進行,以提升軟體專案的品質且降低專案失敗的風險。然而軟體專案有其特殊性,若沒針對其特殊性;強化發展過程的解決流程制度,軟體專案仍將面臨極高的失敗風險。本研究選擇之個案為研發機構所評選出來之軟體專案的品質典範計畫,以作為該機構其它計畫的學習典範,透過實際個案全面性的觀察及收集相關書面資料,以個案研究方法,探討分析個案如何藉由CMMI Level 3管理模式,針對軟體專案的特殊性所採行的管理方式,以提升專案的品質,降低專案失敗的風險,本研究之成果期望能提供其他企業機構改善軟體專案管理能力的參考。 ;CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integrated) developed by Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University is for improving the quality of software development. Many studies have demonstrated that CMMI can bring lots of advantages for organizations. But it still has many barriers to overcome for organizational implementation, as evidenced by the large numbers of unsuccessful or painful implementations. With the huge structure and many requirements of CMMI, many organizations will meet the great resistence from their project members when initiating the CMMI project. To resolve this problem, it is important to let the members know what will be changed and how to make such changes effectively. Many software development companies apply CMMI without considering their own capability and realizing the situation which they are in. The requirements of CMMI tend to be in conflict with the old work habits and organizational culture, making aggressive promotiion of CMMI a must. This case study, which is analyzed at the project level of implementing CMMI Level 3, describes and explains how to implement the process improvement of CMMI Level 3 and idetifies the key successful factors for achieving the project goals. |