Abstract: | 隨著台灣經濟的進步,服務業在台灣的產值一直提升,服務業中零售業是與消費者接觸較多的行業,該行業的第一線服務人員,目前是以1980年代出生的年輕人為主,該世代出生的就業者,在台灣被冠上了一個不太優雅的稱號:草莓族。原因是該世代的就業者出生時,台灣經濟已經起飛,物質生活逐漸提升,草莓族的父母多數生長在清苦的時代,他們生育的子女都不多,多不願子女在經歷他們那種清苦的生活,致使草莓族在物質生活充裕、沒有任何障礙的環境中長大,造就了他們與前人完全不同,特殊的人格特質,他們生活優渥又沒有經歷過太多的挫折,造就了他們學歷高、抗壓性低、承受不起挫折、重視外在形式、凡事以自我為中心的思想。這樣特質的就業者在台灣可以說是空前,但決不會是絕後。要提升服務業的整體產值,如何領導與激勵草莓族就業者的工作績效,應該是實務界非常關心的議題。 本研究針對零售業中,相對較需要專業知識的通訊零售業研究,以領導理論中的工作導向觀點與關係導向觀點為基礎,輔以激勵制度的X理論與Y理論,調和出兩種領導激勵的管理模式,直接於門市中加以實驗,以實際實驗的數據驗證兩種領導激勵方式對草莓族就業者的適用性。 在台灣整體通訊零售業呈現穩定時期,實驗發現,兩組(工作導向組與關係導向組)經過14個月實驗後,在通訊零售業最主要的三個績效指標:手機銷售量、門號銷售量、門市毛利,兩組的績效出現很大的差異。工作導向組的平均成績都是衰退,關係導向組的平均成績都是成長。工作導向組的成績如下:手機銷售量平均衰退了6%、門號銷售數衰退了19%、整體毛利平均衰退了19%。關係導向組的成績如下:手機銷售量平均提升了15%、門號銷售數提升了25%、整體毛利平均提升了21%,由以上實驗數據可以推斷,以關係導向的領導加Y理論激勵模式,施於台灣在通訊零售業中草莓族就業者的績效表現,將優於以工作導向的領導方式加X理論激勵模式的績效表現。 ;With the improvement of Taiwan economy, the output value of service industry is growing all the time. And the retailing industry of the service industry is the most relative to the consumers. Most of the servants in the retailing industry were born on 1980s, also called, negatively, as strawberry generation. Under parents’ protection and growing up without many siblings, they were living with good physical environment and less barriers. These make them unique personality: high degree, low pressure-resistance, setback unendurable, emphasize on the external, and self-centered. The generation servants with those unique personalities will be more and more. To increase the output value, to guide and encourage them, become the critical issues in the retailing industry. This research is focused on communication retailing which needs more professional knowledge. Experiment two leading and encouraging management model, which is based on the leading theory, relationship-oriented and task-oriented, and assisted with encourage system, X theory and Y theory, directly in the retailing stores to get the number to verify its usage in the strawberry generation. The communication retailing industry is in a stable period. According to the results, after 14 months experiment with these two oriented theory, the benefit outcome is totally different in 3 ways: mobile phone sales volume, phone number sales volume, and the stores’ gross profit. In task-oriented theory, the benefit outcomes all are decreasing, while all are increasing in relationship-oriented theory. Following are the outcomes. In task-oriented theory, the mobile phone sales volume, phone umber sales volume, and gross profit are decreasing by 6%, 19%, and 19% respectively. On the contrary, in relationship-oriented theory, the mobile phone sales volume, phone umber sales volume, and gross profit are all increasing by 15%, 25%, and 21% respectively. The conclusion is that the strawberry generation will perform well managed by relationship-orient with Y-theory encourage system than managed by task-oriented with X-theory encourage system. |