隨著全球化進程的加快與國際競爭的加劇,多角化經營巳成為企業越來重視的成長方式。由於多角化經營主要是指橫跨不同產業的經營領域,巳使企業在新的經營領域及市場從中獲利,進而使企業經營具有更強的風險控管能力及市場的競爭能力。而同樣由於全球化與市場一體化的趨勢,企業的供應鏈管理的角色日益重要,因為管理良好的供應鏈能有效地節約成本、協調生產與增進供應商及客戶之間的合作關係,因而也導致企業對供應鍊管理的重視。 然而,當企業的多角化經營與供應鏈管理都被企業所重視之同時,這兩者的關係就值得我們深思。本研究力求在分析多角化經營理論與供應鏈管理的基本理論的基礎上,透過收集相關資訊及個案研究之研究方法,分析出多角化經營對於供應鏈管理的決策影響。由於多角化經營使企業開拓了新的經營領域及市場,所以會對供應鏈管理提出更多最有利的決策方式。整體來說,企業多角化經營使供應鏈管理的決策更加嚴密,如物流方面的需求使供應鏈管理的決策有更多選擇,而資訊化整合的程度,也會對供應鏈管理造成很大的影響。所有這些方面都讓企業的供應鏈管理的決策面臨更大的挑戰和壓力。但我們相信的是,企業多角化經營與供應鏈管理是可以共同成長的,兩者的協調會使得企業可以面對越來越激烈的市場競爭,進而成為一個高獲利,永續經營的企業。 ;With the accelerated process of globalization and intensified international competition, diversification has become a way for firms to grow. Diversification mainly refers to operating in different industries across the business field, so that enterprises can profit from the different markets, thereby enhancing their risk control capacity and market competitiveness.Also as a result of globalization and market integration trends, enterprise supply chain management has played an increasingly important role because well-managed supply chain can reduce costs and enhance production coordination as well as supplier and customer cooperative relations, thus leading to greater supply chain performance. When both diversification and enterprise supply chain management have received increasing attention from enterprises, the relationships between the two require serious considerations and this is the focus of this study. This study first analyzes diversification and supply chain management related theories as the foundation of the case study. Information related to the case are collected for examining the relationship between its supply chain management and the diversification strategy. Becuase diversification can cause companies to develop new businesses and enter new market, the case company have developed more advantageous ways of managing its supply chains. Overall, the case study suggests that the supply chain management decision-making tends to be more closely aligned with the company’s diversification strategies. For example, the logistics requirements of its supply chain management requires more alternatives to be considered and a higher degree of information integration needed also requires tighter supply chains across different businesses. All these aspects make the the management of the company’s supply chains more challenging. However, we show that the company’s diversification and its supply chain management grow together and are nicely aligned, leading to a high-profit, sustainably developed enterprises.