宋家皇朝之父-宋耀如教導子女的八字真言是:「不計毀譽,務必占先」(凡事不擇手段,爭取第一),他的身教與言教對其子女產生莫大的影響。在五代十國的馮道留下榮枯鑑著作,從成敗、榮辱的判斷標準來討論問題,馮道雖然在當時受到不忠的詆毀,但從後世的眼光卻讚揚著求生不求死的思想。故本研究試著瞭解不畏人言、不計毀譽、具有自主獨立的創業精神的創業家其內涵與特質。 本研究主要採用個案研究法為主,研究者透過收集過去文獻、個案省思回憶、人員訪談及問卷進行研究。透過個案內的創業過程過程與成果,瞭解個案研究對象對所展現企業的自主獨立精神以及其價值觀。 研究結果發現具自主獨立精神的人往往不會人云亦云,考量大局、重視利害計算。如以馮道而言,若馮道的作法採取忠臣不仕二主,在現今的描述的五代歷史只會添加更多的死傷人數。從個案創業歷程可得知具有自主獨立精神的價值觀,往往是受到家庭成長的影響,越艱苦的環境才能陶冶出更具自主獨立的精神。 ;This research focuses an independent entrepreneur, by studying his personal business experiences and his personality. First, through a thorough interview, this study finds out how does the entrepreneur react to the change correctly or incorrectly. Secondly, this study adopts a series of psychological tests to find out his special characteristics in decision style, multiple intelligence, value systems, and most important of all, his opportunity seeking behavior. The result of research shows that the independent entrepreneur can will not obey what others say to act on one's own, consider the overall situation, pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages to calculate. The independent entrepreneur’s value often influence by family. The independent spirit is made by arduous environment.