自 1991 年政府開放新銀行設立之後,16 家新銀行如雨後春筍般的加入金融市場, 其後信用合作社也陸續改制為商業銀行。至2000 年本國銀行總家數從原本只有25家增 為53家,台灣的銀行業從原本的寡佔市場轉為完全競爭市場。截至 2008年,原來的16 家新銀行多已併入金控公司或己被購併,甚至有遭政府接管者,存續中的新銀行僅剩 5 家。本研究目的,是以新銀行為研究對象,探討業者在新創企業的動機、過程、結果及 其成敗原因。本研究以『新事業交通號誌燈評估法』評估新銀行成立的合理性,並以『平 衡計分卡』剖析富邦銀行與萬泰銀行的策略發展與執行,以及其關鍵成功因素,以提供 政府主管機關與銀行經營者參考。研究結果如下: (一)整體而言,新銀行成立時母公 司是否具備金融相關的核心能力為新銀行的關鍵成功因素之ㄧ。 (二)富邦銀行成功的 關鍵因素包括落實公司治理、發揮金控綜效、分行經營效率高、以及金融創新能力。而 萬泰銀行失敗的關鍵因素包括公司治理機制不佳、缺乏完善風險管理機制、現金卡業務 比重過大、家族企業經營模式、分行經營效率低。 ;Since the government ratified the founding of new banks in 1991, 16 new banks rapidly joined the monetary market. Many trust funds also reorganized to fit the system of commercial banks one after another. The number of Local banks increased to 53 in 2000 from 25 in 1991. Taiwan's banking industry has changed from monopolistic system to a perfect competition. Unfortunately, in 2008, the original 16 new banks were either merged into other bank holding companies or ceased to exist. The purpose of this study is to take new banks as examples to examine the entrepreneurial motivations of those new banks , the founding process, and their key success factors. This study uses “The new business traffic light assessment method” to evaluate the founding rationale of new banks through the In addition, it uses the “Balanced Scorecard” to examine the strategic development and execution of new banks to explore the key success factors of the new banks. The findings of this study include (I) that the banking related core competence of the parent companies of those new banks is one of the key success factors and (2) that for Fubon Bank the key success factors includes good corporate governance, value creating synergy effect, low operation costs of branches and the capability of financial innovation;whereas, for Cosmos Bank, the key failure factors includes grabbing cash-card market size without a sound risk control, over-concentrated cash-card business, high operation costs of branches and ill corporate governance mechanism.