摘要: | 對於中國的氣動行業和企業而言,步入21世紀,就意味著進入一個更開放、更國際化、更充滿機遇與挑戰、也更伴隨著經營風險與成功希望的新時期。加入WTO後的政策開放與市場開放,勢將給中國的氣動行業和氣動市場帶來巨大變化與嶄新格局,每個企業都將面臨「優勝劣汰」和「重新洗牌」的嚴峻考驗。 本研究旨在對中國氣動元件代理商之競爭策略分析,就氣動產業之產業現況、產業特性及產業趨勢進行產業分析,並以五力分析為探討基礎,以SWOT分析進行個案分析,探討氣動的產業現況及其未來發展的方向,分析歸納個案公司所擁有之核心競爭力,研擬A公司未來可行的策略發展方向。 透過SWOT 分析A公司的內部資源,外部產業環境,策略的運用,競爭優勢的創造,期望可以將理論及實務結合,整理出關鍵成功因素如下:(1)掌握契機佈局中國市場 (2)優勢的品牌形像 (3)良好的商業信譽 (4)客戶需求之快速回應。 本研究之個案公司近年來業務雖逐漸成長,但面臨的產業環境改變,國內外新的競爭對手龐大壓力以及原廠對代理商制度的限制,個案公司要如何強化現有優勢?經營方向及經營策略要如何重新思考並加以調整,以因應未來的挑戰?因此,本研究欲針對此議題加以探討。 ;As China continues its rapid industrialization into the 21st century, the pneumatic industry in China steps into an era with internationalization and open market, offering more opportunities and challenges, as well as higher risks and returns.Entering the WTO,China had to adopt and open market policy.Thus, the players in the industrial automation market which had been in a static and closed market, are suddenly faced with enormous changes and new competitions.The new intense competition means that the enterprises in the pneumatic component market are entering a “natural selection” phase, resulting in a foreseeable “re-shuffling”of the market. This study attempts to look into the Chinese pneumatic component market, analyzing the industry’s current status, characteristics and development trends.Based on these analyses, we aim to propose viable competitive strategies for a regional agent (Company A) of a major world-wide provider of pneumatic components. The foundations of our analysis are five forces analysis and SWOT analysis.Through the analyses, we hope to derive at a portfolio of competition strategies for Company A. Through the SWOT analysis, company A’s current practices, internal resources and external environment, were examined. The opportunities were used as basis for creation of competitive advantages.We hope that the proposed strategies will accomplish the followings: (1) exploit the opportunities in the Chinese market; (2) set up attractive brand image; (3) establish good business reputation; (4) expediting reaction to customers demands. Company A, which is the focus of this study, had achieved strong gains in revenue and market share.However, while severely constrained by the distribution system of its supplier, Company A also faces new challenges due to environmental changes mentioned earlier.How to retain its competitive advantages, how to adapt to the new changes, how to excel in the new environments, are the major objectives of our proposal. |