隨著中國經濟的快速發展,中國已經成為世界上重要的海運大國之一,全球目前有19%的大宗海運貨物運往中國,有20%的貨櫃運輸來自中國;中國的港口貨物吞吐量和貨櫃吞吐量均已居世界第一位。中國加入WTO後,中國貿易量的顯著成長,已為海運業創造有利的發展機會,全世界航運企業也因看好中國的航運市場發展,大量湧入中國,憑藉著其自身雄厚的實力和本國政府的有利經濟政策,爭奪中國航運大餅。台灣航商雖看好大陸市場商機,但在兩岸尚未通航情形下,只能以通過香港公司或新加坡等地子公司在大陸設立辦事處,業務委由代理行處理。 本研究目的主要是以個案為主,以陽明海運為輔,經由它們在中國大陸經營成長歷程作一比較分析,來了解產業現況及未來發展趨勢,中國政府對該產業之產業政策及推動方向,兩岸現況及未來發展趨勢,探求未來的經營策略,提供個案公司在三通指日可待情形下,訂定未來在中國之佈局及發展策略。 ;With its rapid growing economy, China has become the foucus for anyone interested in the marine transportation industry. In 2007, 19% of the world’s sea cargo is destined to China and 20% of the world’s total container cargo is shipped from China. In terms of total throughput, China has become the largest market in the world in marine and container transportation . China’s entry into the WTO and the accompanying trade growth has created many opportunities for ocean transportation. Most of the world’s martime carriers started to focused on the China market. Each has its own unique commercial advantages and respective political niches associated with varios governments’ economic policies vis a vis China. Political issues prevented Taiwan-based carriers from establishing branch offices in China, and only representative offices through a third party country are permitted, Thus business development has been closely tied to each individual shipping agents’ abilities . The currently anticipated development of direct trading between Taiwan and the mainland China opens up new opportunities for the carriers. The thesis attempts to examine the current trends in the growth of the China shipping market, and to propose development strategies for a small business scale Taiwan-based carrier. These strategies will be compared with those of Yang Ming Martime Corporation, a Taiwan-based carrier with good reputation, which is ranked among the world’s top 20 container carriers. The various strategies Yang Ming has employed examined as a basis of our proposal.