過去幾年台灣銀行業財富管理業務蓬勃發展,市場一片榮景,「財富管理手續費收入」係繼信用卡、現金卡風暴後被銀行視為「穩賺」、「無風險」的重要營收來源。但自2007年7月美國次級房貸危機爆發迄今,銀行財富管理業務面臨理財客戶信心不足及資產嚴重虧損的雙重困境,業務大幅萎縮,取而代之是頻繁的客訴及主管機關日趨嚴格的限制與罰則。 本研究針對「後財富管理時期」提出定義,並說明銀行業財富管理所面臨的產業轉型挑戰、相關行銷策略及新經營模式。本研究首先對後財富管理時期的成因及影響進行探討;其次,分析後財富管理時期總體經濟環境的變化與未來趨勢;再者,是對財富管理業務的產業經營現況進行整理。本研究的分析內容包含「客戶來源分析」、「競爭者分析」、「業務分析」及「SWOT分析」。希望藉此對財富管理的產業經營現況與競爭情形,提出台灣銀行業後財富管理時期的行銷策略。 從本研究的分析中發現,台灣銀行業後財富管理時期將會有下列幾個現象:(1)財富管理業務急速萎縮;(2)客訴頻傳下,連動債商品銷售將逐漸式微;(3)景氣不佳導致保守型產品重回主流;(4)業者需重建體制以因應法規趨嚴的現象;(5)新式行銷策略為必要之改革;(6)財富管理業務後進者有迎頭趕上機會。雖然財富管理業務在後財富管理時期已無法維持過去的高度成長,但卻是重新調整經營模式的絕佳時機。因此本研究提出以下建議可供銀行業參考:(1)目標導向的行銷流程,建立專業理財研究團隊;(2)依據客戶需求引進多元且收費低廉產品;(3)調整適宜理專人力配置及以客戶權益為先的績效考核方式;(4)傾聽客戶的聲音,將客戶滿意度列入經營績效指標等等;(5)建立以管理費基礎導向模式取代手續費基礎導向模式。採新經營模式與行銷策略的銀行或許能在此波金融海嘯與景氣寒冬下得以繼續維持,甚而提升市占率。在經過此次汰弱擇強的競爭後,相信台灣財富管理業務將有截然不同的新貌。 ;Wealth management service of Taiwan banking industry has been grown vigorously in past several years and fee income of wealth management service has regard as big part of stable and risk-free earning source. But the bank wealth management department has faced with deficient-confidence customers and grim loss of property since US subprime crisis occurred in July 2007. It caused largely-slump sales number; frequently customers appeal cases, and more strict laws and penal regulations. This research is proposed the definition of “Post-wealth management era” and explained some topic for discussion which banks management department need to confront, such as industrial reforming challenge, marketing strategy, and new business model. Furthermore, the cause and effect, macroeconomics change, and future tendency of “Post-wealth management era” have also analyzed in this research in order to realize operation of wealth management industry. The analysis tools of this research contains “Customer source analysis”, “Competitor analysis”, “Business model analysis” ,and “SWOT analysis”. We try to take advantage of this research to find new marketing strategy in “Post-wealth management era”. This research shows some phenomenon of Taiwan banks in “Post-wealth management era” as below: (1)Big slide sales number. (2)Sales of structure notes will gradually decline because of frequently customers appeal cases.(3)Sharp slump of stock markets causes the conservative product to be popular.(4)Banks must reconstruct to respond to strict laws.(5)New marketing strategy is necessary.(6)Late comer of wealth management industry may catch up. Although the advantage of wealth management service has faded away gradually in “Post-wealth management era”, but it’s a good timing for banks to adjust their business model. Therefore this research proposed the following suggestion: (1)Target-oriented sales process and professional research team.(2)Introduce variable and low-cost products for customers.(3)Adjust the number of financial consultant to moderate level.(4)Regard customer satisfaction as one of business performance indicator.(5)Replace “Fee-based oriented model” with “Transaction-based oriented model”. Banks change their business model and marketing strategy could not only survive under this finance tsunami and tough slack but increase their market share and we believe that wealth management industry in Taiwan will molt by severe competition in “Post-wealth management era”.