科技產品日新月異,經營環境劇烈變化,在產業競爭全球化下,公司團隊若要確保持續擁有強勁競爭力與成長,必須朝建構核心能力、提升附加價值等方向努力,若能善用產業之間的策略聯盟,是達成上述目標的最佳解決方案。 本研究以策略聯盟為主軸,敘述網通事業處在開發新產品的過程中,基於關鍵技術、人力資源以及產品切入市場時間等因素的考量下,以取得晶片供應商的技術授權和ODM行銷的發展策略,來幫助網通事業處達到下列之目標: 1.縮短技術移轉時間並加快產品開發速度,達到產品快速上市(time to market)的最佳效益。 2.結合不同區域客戶的銷售通路,減少增設海外銷售據點以及售後服務的投資,達到產品銷售的目標。 ;Business environment changes dramatically and new product innovation day by day, nowadays, the industry competition has became globalized, in order to keep competitive and business grow, company must build-up own core competence and the ability of value added, the strategic alliance between the industry is a good way to achieve these goals. The study is base on Strategic Alliance to describe that during the new product development, how Network Product Division under the constraint of key technology、manpower resource and time to market issues, by use the source code license and ODM business strategies to achieve below goals: 1.Shorten the technical transfer time and speed up product development process, to get the benefit of product time to market advantage. 2.Sell through different area customer’s channel to increase sales quantity and reduce investment cost of branch office and after service.