依據施振榮(1992)的微笑曲線理論,產業價值鏈中、在微笑曲線左方的「技術研發、專利」,和微笑曲線右方的「品牌行銷、通路經營」,二者都具有比較高的產業價值比例和營業利潤,直至今日、台灣的品牌協會仍然鼓吹企業要重視品牌推廣。但是、經營品牌與通路的難度甚高,台灣企業經過十餘年的努力,成功的案例並不多。 本研究以質性研究方法,探討個案公司從1998年起,開始在台灣建立直營連鎖商店,以行銷自製和自有品牌的休閒鞋,逐漸完成全台灣自有通路體系的構建。高峰時期,曾擁有300家的直營連鎖商店,塑造了通路經營規模壁壘,也創造了營運佳績與合理利潤,充分呼應施振榮(1992)的微笑曲線理論。 然而、外在產業環境變化多端,企業的營運模式不能一式不改;個案公司即使擁有多年的成功基礎,但因營運模式老化和外在競爭者的持續侵蝕市場,一度面臨經營困境。所幸,個案公司適時引進複合式行銷通路的觀念,以交叉銷售手法,執行以雙品牌為基礎的品牌延伸策略,將低延伸相似度的新產品-家庭劇院系統,放進原有的休閒鞋行銷通路。雖然這種作法,在學理上頗有爭議,但廣告的目的是引人注意,個案公司以此創新的通路營運模式,卻創造了經營上的反敗為勝。由於外在產業環境的多變和消費者思維的不可預測,提高了直營連鎖行銷通路的經營難度,但為了企業的永續經營,這又是一條不得不走的路。 經由個案研討與分析,本研究歸納了三項基於品牌延伸機制下的通路經營的心得; 1. 求新求變是企業永續經營唯一不變的路。 2. 以交叉銷售為基礎,提高連鎖商店的服務時間利用率,創造新商機。 3. 善用品牌延伸機制,拓展新事業。 本研究針對個案分析的研究心得,期望對後續有志從事品牌與通路經營的企業,提供某種程度的幫助。 ;At the industry value chain, 「Technology-&-Patent」segment which is located in the left hand side of the chain and 「Brand-&-Marketing Channel」segment which is located in the right hand side of the chain. The central segment was 「Manufacture」. According to Sten Shi’s Smiling Curve Theory (1992), 「Technology-&-Patent」 and 「Brand-&-Marketing Channel」noth segments have the higher proportion of industry value and operating profit than 「Manufacture」segment. Until now, the Taiwan Brand Association still emphasize the enterprises need to pay more attention in brand promotion. However, it’s a very tough mission for creating a named brand company and operating its marketing channel. There are just few successful cases in Taiwan, in the last 20 years. This thesis is a qualitative approach which was focused on a case study of a shoes marketing company. In order to promote its owned-brand for selling the high-end shoes, the enterprise build-up its owned chain store system in Taiwan market since 1998. At the peak time, there are more than 300 stores in its chain. This chain store system created an excellent operation value and kept the leading position for few years. It was a typical example of Sten’s Smiling Curve Theory. Due to the external industry environment is much changeable, the marketing channel operation model can not be fixed for a longer period, due to the competitors always applied the similar marketing activities with you. Even the enterprise got a successful operation result for few years, it faced an operation damage three years ago. Fortunately, the enterprise is applying the integrated marketing principle into its chain store system to solve such problem. Based on the Brand Extension and Cross Selling strategy, the enterprise constructs a new model of storeing which is a combination of existing shoe product and a new home theater product. Even, combining the low-involvement product and high-involvement product together into the same store is a big dispute with the current marketing theory. The innovation channel operation makes a good management result again through the noticeable advertisement. Due to the changeable of external industry environment and un-predictable of consumer behavior, it’s hard to keep a good store management longer by a singler-&-fix model. However, there is no way to avoid such managed challenges in order to make the continuous business operation progress. There are three conclusions about the marketing channel management after this case study. 1. “Keep Changes” is the only way not be changed in the continuous business operation. 2. “Cross Selling” improves the storeing operation utilization of the channel and creates a new business opportunity. 3. “Brand Extension Mechanism” is an applicable action to extend a new product or business. This thesis intends to provide a helpful reference model to someone who is interesting in brand promotion and channel management.