現代科技以人類想像不到的速度在進步,從1980年代IBM推出以Intel x86為硬體架構及微軟公司的MS-DOS作業系統的個人電腦開始,直到今日的我們所謂的3C產品。硬體部分諸如中央處理器、記憶體等,其運算及儲存能力,都遠大於最早PC的千百倍。那軟體部分呢?為了匹配不斷進步的硬體能力,現代3C產品,其上所執行的軟體,其複雜程度,已不是之前的百倍千倍。再加上現代無線通訊能力的加持,軟體的應用,就更加的五花八門。面對如此複雜的軟體,身為軟體部門的管理者,如何來確保軟體的品質。軟體工程理所提到的方法,是從工程科學角度來管理軟體的品質,其所提方法還是過於偏向工程方面。是否可從管理方面對於產品品質管理及管控的方法,來加強管理軟體出貨時的品質,以滿足客戶的需求。 手持產品的因為硬體、軟體及通訊等技術的快速發展,其所提供的應用也比早期的功能手機複雜許多,因此手持產品已成為現代人生活上不可或缺的產品。理所當然對於手持產品的功能、效能、使用持續力、穏定度等的各項要求,也大幅的提高。如何設計出滿足顧客的產品,是目前所有手持大廠不斷努力的目標。本研究乃是以個案公司手持產品的系統軟體開發為例,探討個案公司如何使用不同的系統,來使產品從開發初期開始,就導入品質的管理觀念,利用各式各樣的管理系統,在軟體開始的各個階段,有效的管理軟體的品質,以確保產品的軟體品質,可以如期如質的來完成,快速達到可出貨的品質並滿足客戶的需求。 最後根據研究的結果,來分析目前個案公司,是否還有改善的進步的空間,提出一些改善的建議及方法,做為未來個案公司的改進參考。;Modern technology, especially so called 3C product is progressing dramatically over human unexpected speed, since 1980s the IBM launched personal computer with Intel x86 architecture and MS-DOS operation system. The hardware components like CPU, memory etc. are powerful than the computer decades ago. How is the progress of software? The software running on modern 3C product at the powerful hardware platform becomes more and more complicated. The software application can be used in any field, because of higher bandwidth on wireless communication capability. Being a software department leader, who must learn managing software development with expected quality. That is no good enough to manage software by engineering way. Modern software developing system can help leaders to control software quality in software life cycle and satisfy customer with high product quality. Rapidly developed hardware, software and communication technology make handheld devices have more applications than cell phone few years ago. Handheld device also become the most important appliance in humans daily live. People want the device has high performance, power sustainability and robust stability. How does the 3C manufacturer satisfy customer’s requirement? This study research a Taiwan own Brand Company. Study the company software management systems and how to use these management systems. The Company manages the software product quality from the product initial stage, until the product end of life. It can make sure product launch on time and with robust quality. According the study, it can help to understand the company’s weakness and strength and give some advice for improvement.