本研究探討基於FSVL學習策略輔以行動學習輔具於情境英語單字學習環境對EFL學生在學習動機和成效上的影響。本研究所發展的行動學習輔具是整合單字學習策略和情境式學習理論來幫助EFL學生在情境中進行英語單字學習。本研究的實驗參與者為80位EFL學生和1位授課教師,實驗設計分為FSVL學習策略輔以行動學習輔具於情境式英語單字學習環境和FSVL學習策略輔以傳統學習輔具於情境式英語單字學習環境,並利用訪談,測驗和ARCS動機問卷來取得研究結果。最後研究結果顯示FSVL學習策略輔以行動學習輔具於情境式英語單字學習環境相較於FSVL學習策略輔以傳統學習輔具於情境式英語單字學習環境之學習動機與成效表現較為顯著。;This study explored the effect that applying the 5-step vocabulary learning (FSVL) strategy and a mobile learning tool in a situational English vocabulary learning environment exerted on learning motivation and outcomes for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. The mobile learning tool developed in this study assisted EFL students with learning English vocabulary in real-life situations by integrating a vocabulary learning strategy and the situated learning theory. Overall, 80 EFL students and 1 teacher participated in this study. Regarding the experiment design, 2 learning methods were implemented. The first involved employing the FSVL strategy and the mobile learning tool in a situational English vocabulary learning environment, and the other method involved employing the FSVL strategy and traditional learning tools in a situational English vocabulary learning environment. Data were collected by conducting interviews and tests, and administering the Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction motivation questionnaire. The results showed that the learning motivation and outcomes of the students who used the FSVL strategy and mobile learning tool in a situational English vocabulary learning environment were superior to those of the students who used the FSVL strategy and traditional learning tools in a situational English vocabulary learning environment.