Abstract: | 用過核燃料的最終處置方式,國際間對此一課題進行許多評估與研究,深地層處置(deep geologic disposal)被認為是最安全可行的處理措施。 近場分析研究以深地層處置之概念為基礎,參考瑞典相關文獻,考慮熱源、緩衝材料、回填材料、母岩之熱與水力特性,考量國內文獻對處置場尺寸,並研究處置孔不同間距尺寸與不同熱傳參數對於處置場之溫度分佈影響,以有限元素軟體ABAQUS進行耦合熱-水-力學之分析。 針對緩衝材熱傳導係數隨飽和度變化的影響,其結果顯示飽和度歷時變化將對處置場之最高溫度造成顯著的影響。 遠場分析研究中採用台灣電力公司之探勘數據及其規劃之處置場尺寸,以有限元素分析法進行三維模型分析。熱應力分析方面則採用依序耦合熱應力分析。台灣頻繁之地震可能造成處置場上方產生勁度較低之弱帶,本研究將針對弱帶之尺寸改變對處置場所造成影響進行分析與探討。 研究結果顯示,在弱帶尺寸增加的情況下,處置場所承受之水平應力增量皆有增加之趨勢,而弱帶的產生也會使得處置場水流量上升。 ;There are many international studying and evaluation about the abject. Considering of safety, technology and economy, the method of deep geologic disposal is regarded as the most safety and stable way. In this study, based upon the concept of the deep disposal method, thinking about the thermal, hydrological and mechanical properties of the paper in Sweden. In addition of considering the size of repository, initial condition and boundary condition of the internal paper. The study directed at the influences of the saturation histories on the thermal conductivity of buffer material, to make the scoping analyses. In the results, the maximum temperature in the repository has obvious change due to the saturation histories. In this study, using Taiwan Power Company report. Choosing its exploration data and disposal field size, using finite element method and 3D model to analysis. Thermal stress analysis adopt sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis. Because Taiwan is located in the earthquake zone, the earthquake may create weak band in the top of disposal field. This research will focus on the effect of weak band’s size. In this study, when the weak band’s size increases, the horizontal stress on the disposal site will increase. And when the weak band occurs, the water flow of the disposal site will increase. |