本文提出汽車超廣角鏡頭設計,半視角為80度入射,會降低在成像面上的相對照度,必須在優化過程對相對照度控制。其次,會引進很大的桶型畸變,容易造成在成像面影像擠壓,而採用F-theta畸變取代光學畸變。最後,本篇設計不採用自動對焦,且維持物距從無窮遠至600 mm之成像品質。使用七片透鏡與兩片平板玻璃,選用兩百一十萬畫素之1/6感光元件,設計半視角八十度,F/#為2.4,焦距為1.1 mm,鏡頭長度為22.37 mm,F-theta distortion 小於2%、相對照度大於83%。;Vehicle lens is also called event data recorder which is a kind of wide angle lens. However, it is smaller than traditional camera lens. The purpose of this study is to design an ultra-wide angle lens installed around cars and control the relative illumination on the image by adjusting the numerical aperture. We evaluate the distortion based upon F-θ distortion. We discussed the aberrations of the system. Finally, we meet the goal which includes total track, lateral color, numbers of elements and relative illumination.