1980年代後,中國開始著手實施開放性經濟政策,而近十年來,中國已成為全球最具潛力的國家之一,隨著全球貿易程度日益增加,台灣與國際市場在貿易也更密不可分。使得台灣與中國貿易往來密切度也逐漸提升,許多學者曾針對影響兩岸貿易的重要因素詳加探討。近年來,因為中國進口貿易額增加,使得台灣國內勞動市場受到影響而使台灣製造業勞動僱用下降,本研究使用台灣製造業近11年(1998-2008)之資料建立一資料庫,將1998年至2008年台灣製造業分類為21個產業為實證對象,並利用台經院產經資料庫與各政府單位的出版品,包含經濟部工業生產統計月報(年報)、財政部進出口貿易統計月報(年報),以及行政院國科會統計資料庫與中華民國統計資訊網等。實證分析上我們探討與中國進出口貿易的情況下,台灣製造業勞動市場對於中國進口貿易之影響變化。 研究中利用產業層面資料及勞動層面資料,並以普通最小平方法(OLS)實證 方法加以估計。 本研究實證結果發現如下: (一) 中國進口競爭似乎並未對台灣製造業員工雇用或異動帶來明顯負面的衝擊。 (二) 產業生產總值對台灣製造業員工進入率或退出率有正相關。 ;After the 1980s ,the China adopted gradually industrial reform and open-door policy. In the recent decade, China has become one of the most potential developing countries. With the trend of trade globalization, the relations between Taiwan and international markets are more inseparable. The trade between Taiwan and China has intimately related. There are many scholars studying Taiwan & China. Recently, the import from China has increasing effect on the labor market of Taiwan manufacturing. This research is based on the panel data of the manufacturing industry in Taiwan within the period of 11 years (1998-2008). The data applied 21 manufacturing industries of Taiwan and over the period of 1998-2008,and used Taiwan institute of economic research’s industrial economics database which supplemented by various government agencies publications, including the Technology Statistics Summary, Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Production Statistics Monthly (Annual report), Trade between the Ministry of Finance(Annual Report)and National Statistics, R.O.C (Taiwan). In the paper we utilized industry-level export and labor data and used ordinary least squares (OLS) to estimate the empirical method. The main findings of this study are as following: 1.There is no significant negative effect of Chinese import competition on the labor growth or labor turnover of Taiwan manufacturing. 2. There is a positive correlation between industry total output value and the number of labor of Taiwan manufacturing.