本論文研究目的在Second Life 3D虛擬世界上發展情境遊戲式英文學習系統,運用情境式學習與遊戲式學習理論設計兩階段英語學習活動,並實際應用於國小英語課堂;實驗對象為桃園縣國小四年級51位學童,包含一班實驗組與一班對照組,皆由同一位教師進行指導,藉由階段性的活動來探討實驗組學生使用此套學習系統之學習動機、單字學習成效與學習滿意度。研究結果顯示,透過情境遊戲式英文學習系統進行英語學習,能提升學生的學習動機且對學習成效有正面的影響、實驗組學習滿意度高於對照組,最後根據實驗現場觀察、師生訪談內容來輔助解釋研究結果,另外從師生意見歸納出幾點作為未來發展的目標。;This study using Situated learning theory combined with Digital game-based learning theory to develop the English learning system in 3D virtual world based on Second Life, and then we design two stage learning activity and 51 students participate include the experimental group and the control group in this study. This study investigates the impact of our English learning system on student motivation, vocabulary achievement and learning satisfaction in learning English as a second language. The results showed that students’ motivation and vocabulary achievement in our English learning system had a positive influence. Moreover, learning satisfaction in the experimental group is better than in the control group. Finally, we use interview of the teacher and students to confirm our result.