摘要: | 對於覆晶式鍵合封裝設計與分析的應用在近彈道單載子傳輸光偵測器(NBUTC-PD)上,從DC到300GHz的頻寬可獲得可靠高功率是已經被證實了。根據我們模擬與量測結果指出,當操作頻率超過100GHz時對於覆晶式鍵合結構的幾何尺寸,在速度與輸出功率的表現就變成主要的限制參數。為了克服這些問題,在鍵合過程中氮化鋁基板底座的錫金柱子必須盡可能的接近磷化銦基板上PD的主動區,利用控制距離比較更長的間距(~25 VS.90μm),我們元件不僅表現出更寬的頻寬(225 VS.200GHz)而且還有更高的飽和電流(13 VS.9mA),NBUTC-PD 在這樣一個優化的覆晶式鍵合結構封裝,操作頻率在260GHz操作下,有一個寬的頻帶(~225GHz)、高飽和電流(13mA)和0.67mW最高輸出功率已經同時實現了。;Design and analysis of the flip-chip bonding package for near-ballistic uni-traveling-carrier photodiodes (NBUTC-PDs) with reliable high-power performance from dc to sub-THz (~300 GHz) frequency has been demonstrated. According to our simulation and measurement results, the geometric size of flip-chip bonding structure becomes a major limitation in speed and output power when the operating frequency is over ~100 GHz. In order to overcome this problem, the position of Au/Sn bump on bottom AlN substrate for bonding process, must be as close as possible with the active PD mesa on the InP substrate at topside. Compared with the control with a longer spacing (~90 vs. 25 m), our device not only exhibits a broader bandwidth (225 vs. 200 GHz) but also a higher saturation current (13 vs. 9 mA). With such an optimized flip-chip bonding structure for package of NBUTC-PD, a wide 3-dB bandwidth (~225 GHz), high saturation current (13 mA), and a 0.67 mW maximum output power at 260 GHz operating frequency have been achieved simultaneously. |