摘要: | 中國畜獸畫的地位不若山水和人物,貓畫在畜獸畫科中更非主流,明代著名收藏家張丑說到:「古人以良馬比君子,故名手馬圖,亦可入齋室清玩。此外如包虎、何貓、易猿、崔魚等製,雖為前人推許,僅可張茶坊酒肆也。」因中國貓畫長期為人所忽視,始終缺乏系統性研究,少有人注意到中國貓畫樣式的變化。 在貓畫史上,宋代是貓畫發展的最高峰,確立貓畫典範;元代貓畫一度沒落,直到明代才重新復甦。不過明清這波貓畫復興,其樣式與意涵運用,與宋代貓畫已有所不同。本文欲研究十五到十八世紀貓畫的特點與多樣性,與宋代典範相異之處。 本論文以吉祥、政治、情慾等三大意涵為貓畫分類,分述十五到十八世紀時期貓畫特色。第一章「貓畫的吉祥意涵」,從畫面上的搭配的動、植物分述其吉祥意涵,並對比宋代貓畫有無樣式或意涵的變化,質疑「耄耋」祝壽意義是否為明代才開始發展。第二章「貓畫的政治意涵」,分析文學上的貓鼠譬喻如何運用到明清的貓畫上,並論明宣宗貓畫的獨特之處。第三章「貓畫的情慾意涵」,點出在文學與民間傳說中貓與女人曖昧的連結,再論貓在明清美人畫中的寓意,牠如何被視為情慾的符號。 結論最後,希望藉由此論文,重新檢視貓畫在十五到十八世紀的意涵與多樣性,並有一較有系統性的整理。盼藉由本論文的整理,讓在中國畫史中被視為末流的貓畫,突顯出更高的研究價值待後人挖掘。 ;In traditional Chinese art, animal paintings never enjoyed the same status as landscapes; and among them, cat paintings were even farther from mainstream. As the renowned Ming Dynasty collector Zhang Chou put it: “Ancient people compared horses to gentlemen, and horse paintings were therefore admissible to fasting rooms as decorative curiosities. On the other hand, while works such as Bao’s tigers, Ho’s cats, Yi’s monkeys and Tsui’s fish were also praised, they were only fit to be hung in tea houses.” This long-term neglect meant that there has been little systematic research on the subject, as few paid any attention to the stylistic changes of Chinese cat paintings.
Cat paintings reached their historic peak in the Song Dynasty, during which a paradigm was formed. After a decline in the following Yuan Dynasty, they enjoyed renewed popularity in the Ming era. However, the works produced during this renaissance differed from those of the Song Dynasty both in form and meaning. This paper examines the varieties and characteristics of 15-18th century cat paintings compared to those of the Song Dynasty.
This thesis divides 15-18th century cat paintings into three main categories, namely auspices, politics and erotica, to analyse the different aspects of the works. In the first chapter, Auspicious Meanings of Cat Paintings, it looks at the different plants and animals that are represented alongside cats, and examines whether there were any changes in form or meaning, and whether the cat and butterfly “Longevity” symbolism only started developing in the Ming Dynasty. Chapter two, Political Meanings of Cat Paintings, investigates the application of the literary cat and mouse metaphor in Ming and Qing cat paintings, paying special attention to the works of Ming emperor Xuanzong. Finally, in chapter three, Erotic Meanings of Cat Paintings, the author unpicks the ambiguous parallels drawn between cats and women, while discussing the connotations that can be found in Ming and Qing beauty paintings, and how cats are seen as symbols of lust and desire.
To conclude the paper, the author revises the meanings and varieties of 15-18th century Chinese cat paintings, in order to gain a better, more organised overview, and to create greater research value for this long neglected field. |