由於奈米結構具有很大的比表面積,對太陽光有很強的吸收作用,同時還具有優良的電學性能,奈米材料在光電元件上的應用越來越廣泛。矽奈米線陣列在太陽能電池等光電元件上得以應用,但仍存在生產過程的資源利用率不高,過度消費原材料;生產出來的產品均勻性不好,無法大面積生產等等問題。因此,對矽奈米線陣列性質的研究,並改進其製程具有重要意義。 本實驗研究了矽奈米線陣列結構的形成機理,詳細分析了蝕刻過程從成核到蝕刻完成的具體流程,並提出了一套區別于以往文獻的理論說明。在此基礎上,根據其成核與蝕刻規律,創新性得提出一套一多孔矽為基板,旋轉塗佈銀奈米粒子,進而進行蝕刻的方法,得到了排列更加均勻的矽納米線陣列結構。 ;Nano materials has been widely used in optoelectronic devices because its large surface area, strong light absorption and excellent electrical properties. Silicon nanowire structure is now used in solar cells, but is still limited by the poor material quality, uniformity, and mass production. So it is meaningful to investigating the Si nanowire etching mechanism to find out the high yield process. In this research, we investigated the formation mechanism of Silicon nanowire, and analyzed the process of nanowire formation. Then we introduced a new concept by based on Galvanic corrosion theory that is different from previous theories. Based on the experiment, we developed a new method of silicon nanowire etching, in which the etching process is happened on a porous silicon wafer with silver nanoparticals spin coated. In the study, we achieved a highly ordered silicon nanowire.