本研究目的為了解中國信託理財產品、掌握信託理財產品的投資技巧與方法和對此類產品風險控制的把握。故以2014年所發生之信託理財產品兌付風險為案例,調查分析各信託理財產品兌付風險,其形成之原因和最終的處理結果,並加以進行歸納、分析和總結。最後,對中國信託理財產品投資策略提出建議,以供有意有於此部份領域進行投資理財之投資人做為參考。;This study tries to examine Chinese bank trust products to obtain an understanding of the investment skills, methods and risks faced. Using data for cases of investment failure that happened in 2014, this study investigates and summarizes the payment risk of a variety of bank trust products, the determinants of the payment risk and the final results of the case treatment. Finally, investment suggestions are proposed to investors who might be interested in Chinese bank trust products.