個案公司生產薄膜材料主要應用於軟性印刷電路板 (Flexible Circuit Board; FPC; 以下簡稱軟板),軟板材料具有輕、薄、可彎折等特性,適合應用於數位相機、手機等消費型電子產品。 近幾年受惠於手機、平板電腦等消費型電子產品使用軟板比重與數量增加,使軟板需求每年以二位數成長,吸引許多軟板製造商以擴充產能等方式來滿足市場成長需求,後續軟板產業將面臨產能擴充後的市場競爭。 研究架構首先根據Porter五力分析TM公司的競爭力,歸納以下4點發現:(1) 出現替代品可能性低,以及新進者的威脅程度也很弱、(2) 不容易靠議價來降低原料採購成本、(3) 標準品市場自2012年起形成『供給成長率』超越『需求成長率』,導致自2012年起標準品售價跌幅有擴大趨勢、(4) 新產品市場需要研發技術能力本文研究以提升競爭力等方法獲得的核心競爭力與重要價值活動,規劃事業策略,並以個案TM公司為例,透過本次研究找出個案公司的競爭優勢與重要資源,規劃個案公司未來幾年的事業成長與競爭策略。 強進入障礙較高,一旦進入市場後,可以相對維持高單價、高毛利。 最後參考TM公司過去、目前到未來的事業策略規劃,歸納以下3項個案公司未來的事業策略: (1) 擴大標準品銷售、(2) 創造客戶新價值、(3) 多樣化的行銷方式。如此一來,期望可以讓TM公司未來的營收與獲利一起往上成長。 ;The purpose of this paper is to study how corporations increase their core competitiveness through business strategies and promoting value. In this case study, the company increases its competitiveness by using its strengths and resources to formulate its growth strategy. The company’s many product is used in Flexible Circuit Board (hereafter mentioned as FPC). The strengths of FPC material is that it is light weight, thin and bendable. It can be used in digital cameras, cell phones and other consumer products. In recent years, FPC demand has experienced double digits growth due to the increase demand of cell phones, tablet and other consumer products. Many existing FPC suppliers have increased production capacity to satisfy demand, which has lead to increased competition within the FPC industry. This study will first evaluate the company’s position within the FPC industry and overall market through Porter’s five force’s analysis and value-chain integration. After evaluating the company’s value and core competitiveness, it would be further analyzed through strategy-matrix method and market-matrix method, finalizing the company’s growth strategy. The paper will present a viable short term and long term business strategy through analyzing its competitiveness, internal values and industrial trend, aiming to increasing existing market share and maintaining its competitive edge.