按照回收樣本的分析結果顯示,主管與部屬交換關係、挑戰性工作經驗與職涯滿意度之迴歸分析的主效果顯著,而對晉升力評分之迴歸分析的主效果則不顯著。組織年資在各個自變項和部屬職涯成功之間沒有調節效果,另一調節變項之關係年資則對自變項與依變項發生顯著相關,而有調節效果產生,因此本研究所假設之調節效果-關係年資為成立。最後,本研究亦針對學術貢獻與管理意涵進行討論。 ;Recently career success had been an intensively interested topic and related researches had been prolific. There are many factors that determine career success. Obviously, to be successful in life, people need to be involved in an environment where growth and opportunity exist. Then, the more important thing is for developing healthy relationships between supervisors and employees, and to continue to gain as much as possible experiences from challenging assignments. As our society continues to grow and mature rapidly, many enterprises in the world compete with each other. The team member must work together in their various roles so that each enterprise could survive on its own. Therefore, career success depends not only on a person′s level of skill and knowledge, but also to team work. There must a connection between leader-member exchange quality, job tenure and challenging job experience to employee’s career success. This study collected input from multiple industries located at Taiwan and mainland China, with total 509 questionnaires. We mainly adopted analysis of hierarchical regression to test the relationship between leader-member exchange quality and challenging job experience (Independent variable), and how these factors might influence employee career success (Dependent variable#1:career satisfaction; Dependent variable#2: promotability rating). At the same time, organization tenure and relationship tenure were also taken into consideration.