一般企業的壽命,約在30 年,而世界上仍有許多維繫超過百年甚至更久遠的企業。促使那些擁有百年歷史的企業,永續經營特質是什麼?回顧1990 年,普拉哈(C.K. Prahalad) 和漢默爾 (Gary Hamel) 於「哈佛商業評論」上發表了企業核心競爭力(Core Competence)模型的論文以及克里斯汀生(Clayton M. Christenson)在1997年「創新的兩難」、2003年「創新者的解答」及2004年「創新者的修練」所闡述產業變遷及企業創新的管理模型。到2013年,哥倫比亞大學商學院教授麥奎斯提出動態競爭優勢時代的研究論述。三者構成本論文研究的理論模型基礎架構。 高科技產業是一個相對於傳統的產業而言,是生產資本及技術密集度較高之產業;高科技產業表現的利潤、成長率、產品附加價值高等特性是因為該產業相當強調研究發展、創新與製造技術之精神。然而,面對詭譎多變的市場,如何創新?往哪些方向創新?一直是企業面臨的重要決擇。 在顯示器產業中,本研究藉由分析個案公司這樣的百年企業,以質化個案研究的方式,對照上述模型架構,探討個案公司創新經營的特質,印證本理論架構基礎的實用性與完整性。研究成果將可提供國內企業,邁向國際化、全球化、永續經營上策略思考之參考。 ;The average life time of a corporate company is 30 years. However, there are some corporations could continue to run their business for more than 100 years. Within those hundred-year- old corporations, what are the key factors for them to keep the sustainability of their business? Back to 1990, C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel published “ The Core Competence of Corporation” on Harvard Business Review to describe the importance of the corporate competence and how to build up the competency; and in 1997, Clayton Christensen published “The Innovator’s Dilemma” followed by his next publish of “The Innovator’s Solution” in 2003 and “Seeing What’s Next:Using the Theories of Innovation to Predict Industry Change” in 2004, Christensen emphasized on how a corporate could innovate while the industry and technology roadmap change. And in 2013, Rita Gunther McGrath published “The End of Competitive Advantage: How to Keep Your Strategy Moving as Fast as Your Business” to build up a model to keep competitiveness based on the industry dynamic. Above models and concepts form the fundamental structure of this thesis. High-tech industry is intensive in capital investment for technology development in order to add higher value and gain more profits, thus research and innovation is the essence for corporate to keep competitiveness. However, facing the market dynamic, what to innovate? Which application or technology roadmap to go? Those are important questions that corporate needs to answer continuously. This thesis will focus on the analysis of the case company based on the models from above masterpieces to see how an 100-year old company pursues innovation and continues to make success.