對於用過核子燃料或高放射性廢棄物的最終處置,國際間一致採行「深層地質處置」的方式,以多重障壁的設計,將用過核子燃料置放於地下數百公尺的穩定地層中,利用貯放罐、工程障壁及周圍岩層等構成層層保護,將廢棄物於有害期間隔離於人類生活圈之外。瑞典核燃料及廢棄物管理公司(SKB)針對該國之用過核燃料最終處置概念KBS-3,先後於2006年提出最終處置場初步安全評估報告及2011年提出建造申請之長期安全評估報告,為國際間用過核子燃料最終處置相關研發及實際推動工作最為領先的典範之一。台電公司將於2017年提出「我國用過核子燃料最終處置技術可行性評估報告」,為深入瞭解國際用過核子燃料最終處置安全分析及評估技術之發展,本研究擬針對瑞典用過核子燃料最終處置安全評估報告進行探討,分別就場址特性、處置設施、安全評估、輻射防護及法規等方面,預定執行下列工作,以提升我國對用過核子燃料最終處置計畫相關安全之技術能力。 1. 瑞典用過核子燃料處置場場址特性之初步研析 2. 瑞典用過核子燃料處置設施設計之初步研析 3. 瑞典用過核子燃料處置安全評估之初步研析 4. 瑞典用過核子燃料處置輻射安全方面與相關法規(含用過燃料、人類入侵、生物圈、天然類比等) 之初步研析 5. 撰寫研究計畫成果報告;The deep geological repository with multiple barriers is currently recognized by many countries, as a feasible disposal concept for spent nuclear fuel and/or high-level radioactive wastes. In a repository, the spent nuclear fuels and radioactive wastes are encapsulated in canisters surrounded by engineered and natural barriers to ensure safe containment of the wastes. Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) completed a first evaluation of the long-term safety of the repository in 2006 and a license-application safety report for the final repository of spent nuclear fuel in 2011, respectively. On the other hand, Taipower is expected to submit a report on “Technical Feasibility Evaluation on the Final Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Taiwan” in 2017. This study aims at studying SKB’s approaches in the safety assessment of final disposal of spent nuclear fuels, such that the technical capabilities in the review of relevant disposal programs in Taiwan can be enhanced. The following tasks are planned for the proposed project: 1. Study the site description model developed in the SR-Can and SR-Site reports; 2. Study the layout and design of the repository; 3. Study the safety analysis methodology adopted by Sweden approach; 4. Study the radioactive safety concerns and regulatory issues (including spent fuel, future human activities, biosphere, and natural analogues, etc.) in the Sweden case; 5. Prepare a final report for the project.;研究期間:10403~10412