本研究以隨機邊界分析針對2010年至2012年全球37家航空公司探討營運績效,並且應用Huang et al. (2014)提出的隨機共同邊界法建構航空公司的生產共同邊界,估計不同地區航空公司的共同技術比率與共同技術效率。研究結果顯示,在研究期間內亞太地區航空公司的群組技術水準較歐美地區航空公司佳,但投入資源的配置有待改善,應盡量提高公司的管理效率;歐美地區航空公司則具有較佳的管理效率,但技術水準與共同邊界落差較大,應針對技術水準進行改善。此外,總資產與參與航空聯盟的外在環境變數對技術無效率均呈現顯著影響,意謂著航空公司確實會受到外在環境因素所造成的隨機性影響。;This study uses the stochastic frontier analysis and the stochastic metafrontier (SMF) approach proposed by Huang et al. (2014) to analyze the efficiency and metatechnology ratio (MTR) of 37 international airlines in two groups, Asia-Pacific and America/Europe from 2010 to 2012. The results show that America/Europe area has higher average group efficiency and average meta efficiency than Asia-Pacific area. The average MTR of Asia-Pacific area is better than America/Europe area. The airlines in Asia-Pacific area have a less efficient allocation of resources in the inputs, which need to be improved. The America/Europe area has bigger technology gap than Asia-Pacific area such that airlines in America/Europe area should raise their technology level. Furthermore, total assets and airlines alliance of environmental factors have significant effect on technical inefficiency.