台灣位於歐亞板塊與菲律賓海板塊的交界上,常見的沉積構造經由造山運動在許多地區形成順向坡。近幾年台灣重大的順向坡災害案例,如獻肚山走山(2009)造成小林村滅村以及國道三號3.1公里崩塌事件(2010)等均使得台灣社會針對順向坡所可能造成的損失更加重視。 Chigira (1992) 對長時期受重力影響之岩體潛移作出的討論,總結出岩體受重力變形的潛變作用大致分為四大類型。羅佳明等人(2014)探討臺灣板岩順向坡變形特性,藉由現場調查、地形分析與物理模型試驗說明板岩不同條件下之重力變形特性,並推估板岩變形過程與潛在崩壞機制。模擬結果顯示,當模型葉理傾斜角度越高,變形範圍將隨之增加,坡體孔隙越大,邊坡變形程度越顯劇烈,隨著含水率與浸水時間之增加而強度有相當顯著之降低趨勢。莊庭鳳(2014)提出以分離元素法探討板岩邊坡變形機制,以研磨石膠結為片狀試體的方式來模擬板岩變形行為,設計出不同葉理角度與坡度的物理試驗,藉此觀察僅受重力影像下岩體潛變形為,最後以 (Particle Flow Code in 3 Dimension)進行模擬,與物理試驗成果作驗證。研究結果顯示,於順向葉理角度及泡水弱化之情況下,隨著坡度減少與葉理角度的增加,其變形深度與試體深度之比值(t/T)增加。而變形高度與試體高度之比值(h/H)隨著坡度的增加,其值愈小。 本研究利用 以及離心模型試驗來做模擬,將離心試驗成果對數值模型做校正,分析模型在不同尺度下滑動及堆積型態,釐清規模效應及各坡面因素對順向坡穩定之影響。在確立不同尺度下之致崩主要影響因素(坡角、弱面傾角、弱面、摩擦角、弱面凝聚力及單位重等因素)後,採用分離元素法模擬,據以發展適用於不同尺度順向坡滑動之力學分析模式。 ;Taiwan is located on the junction of the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea plate. Forming a lot of dip-slopes in many regions. There are some dip-slope disasters in recent years. Chigira has discussed rock creeping under the long-term influence of gravity. He has distinguished the creeping into four types. Lo et al.(2014)have discussed the deformation of dip-slope slate in Taiwan by in-situ investigation, topography analysis and model test. Evaluating the process of the slate deformation and potential failure mechanism. Based on the test result, when the inclining angle of the model foliation, high deformation range will also increase. When the moisture content of the soaking time there are quite a significant increase in the intensity of the decreasing trend. Chong(2014)has used discrete element method software (Particle Flow Code in 3 Dimension)to discuss the deformation of slate slopes. Exploring the influencing factors, including the slope angle, the foliation angle, and the material deterioration on the deformation characteristics. Based on the model tests, two kinds of gravitational deformation of slate slope are identified, the first one is overturning destruction, it appears in the slope with high angle foliation. The other one is fold extrusion near the slope toe, it exhibits in the dip-slope with low angle foliations. The simulated deformed patterns agree well with the actual deformation under different slope angles. In order to further realize dip-slope failure, this study simulates dip-slope sliding and cumulating patterns in different scale and parametric study by using and centrifuge models.