重複性專案係表示該專案中之作業具有高度相似之特性,作業資源之使用可以因應作業重複之特性作連續性之安排而更有效率。 傳統重複性專案之定義為:『一組單元網圖的重複施作』,此一定義對於重複性專案的形式有所限制,使其應用範圍受限。本研究將重複性專案由工作群組之觀點加以定義,可以有效擴展重複性專案之適用範圍。本研究並根據所定義之工作群組式重複性專案,考慮作業使用多樣性資源時耗時及成本之差異、作業邏輯關係之非序列性、資源移動效應(進場、出場及作業間移動)等內涵,以"資源指派”及”作業優先順序”為決策變數,建立符合資源連續性之排程規劃模式,並以基因演算方法之概念為基礎,設計工作群組式重複性專案排程規劃之最佳解尋優模式,以有效改善其排程規劃績效。本研究結果擴展了重複性專案應用之範圍,增加了順序指派及多樣性資源使用的能力,維持了資源使用連續性的要求,使重複性專案之排程規劃更能符合實務應用之需求。 Repetitive activities are commonly found in construction projects. It is stated in many literatures that repetitive scheduling methods are more effective than traditional CPM methods in the planning and scheduling of repetitive construction projects. Nevertheless, almost all the repetitive scheduling methods developed so far have been based on the premise that a repetitive project is comprised of many identical production units. In this research a workgroup based algorithm and a prototype system are developed for the planning and scheduling of repetitive projects. Instead of repetitive production units, repetitive or similar activity groups are identified and employed for scheduling. The developed system takes into consideration (1) the logical relationship of activity groups in a repetitive project, (2) the usage of various resource crews in an activity group, (3) the maintaining of resource continuity, and (4) the time and cost for the routing of resource crews. An optimization model for workgroup-based repetitive scheduling developed. The genetic algorithm (GA) is employed in model formation for finding the optimal solution. A chromosome representation, as well as specification of other parameters for GA analysis, are described. Many case studies are conducted for system validation, as well as for demonstration. Application of repetitive scheduling methods can be facilitated with the developed system.