摘要: | 台灣因製造產業大量外移,經濟走上以服務及觀光業為主,以致在禮品產業更為講究,在多元化競爭下,高價創新禮品更是受歡迎,近年來也因手作的盛行,若結合手作,用自己親自動手作的禮品送人,更顯送禮的情義,若有一新技術可使鮮花更持久,保持一樣的顏色及型態,可用在花藝設計、居家裝飾、送禮等,是很好的創業標的物。 不凋花在台灣又稱恆星花或永生花,簡單的說法就是「不會凋謝的花」,保存期可達2~3年,比鮮花保存更久,觸感與鮮花同,顏色不輸鮮花,也不用澆水,不用照顧,很適合忙碌的現代人,因無香味及花粉,更不用擔心過敏。 本研究對於不凋花創業進行可行性及風險的評估,作為創業策略的規劃,透過SWOT、商業模式等分析,針對本身的劣勢與威脅擬定應對策略,作為創業的營運策略及規劃。 依據技術、合法、經濟、時間、作業流程等可行性分析,驗證本創業案在多方面向是可行的,並依據以上分析訂立短、中、長期目標及財務預測,所得結果,獲利機會是相當的高。最後整理出結論,作為創業的參考資料。
;As the labor intensive manufacturing facilities in Taiwan moved overseas, the economy has been shifting towards a service orientation. This results in an increase in the non-manufacturing sector, such as the gift industry. In recent years, handmade gifts have gained popularity in Taiwan, since it conveys the sender’s sincerity in its message. Preserved Flower is one of these products, as it not only lengthens the flower′s presentation life, but also preserves its shape and attractiveness. Preserved Flower is also known as the “The Star That Does Not Wither” or the “Eternal Flower,” with a presentation life of two to three years. It is a perfect choice for busy, modern individuals as it does not require water or care, nor does it emit pollen or attract insect. This study is a plan for starting up a business with preserved flower as the target goods. The plan started out by analyzing the feasibility of such a new startup in the gift industry, conducted a creating a SWOT analysis, and proposed a unique business model. In addition, its short, medium, and long-term objectives were set. Based on analyses from various aspects, including technical, legal, economic, scheduling, and workflow feasibility, this business platform proves to be feasible and financially viable. |