摘要: | 多角化經營不是大型企業的專利,台灣中小企業面對國際化的市場競爭,為了分散風險、提高經營效益,成長到一定程度時,雖不具足夠財力可用合資併購等手法進行多角化,但仍可應用自己的核心技術,或提供新產品新服務,或進入開發新市場新領域。中小企業以核心技術進行相關性多角化經營,也同樣有企業持續發展的效果。 相較於集中經營單一產業的企業來說,多角化經營的企業有機會在綜效的發揮上,取得難以模仿的競爭優勢,而一套適當的管理機制對綜效發揮是重要的。本研究以單一個案深入分析的方式,藉由理論、實務作法以及主管認知三個不同方向加以分析,並提出以下四個管理機制設計來促成綜效發揮: (1) 組織架構與整合協調:非營運直接相關的功能集中由總部規劃執行,再依規模逐漸轉由當地執行、總部負責規劃監督。在當地建立連絡窗口負責第一線的整合協調,並將問題回報總部,轉由主管間直接接觸協調。 (2) 內部交易與轉撥計價:事業單位間有供需關係時,只針對扶植階段的新事業單位,或是預期另有綜效發生之集團政策專案,才予以內部交易及低轉撥計價保護。其餘交易開放事業單位自由選擇,由事業單位自行建立互利的交易模式。 (3) 跨事業單位的資訊分享:建立資訊系統平台,在權限控管下進行簡單快速的跨事業單位資訊分享。經過篩選聚焦後產生專案,再於專案會議中以會議方式針對特定主題持續進行資訊分享。 (4) 績效考核與獎勵制度:獎勵制度應該與績效考核直接連動。總部績效納入對共用資源的改進效果、執行滿意程度以及集團整體目標達成。事業單位績效應涵蓋綜效績效,綜效發揮所產出的集團績效,應依比例回饋給參與的事業單位。資訊分享的績效考核可用計量計質的方式執行,並納入延伸專案所產生績效。 ;Diversification is not only for large enterprises. Small and medium enterprises in Taiwan are facing with intense competition in the international market. In order to spread risk and improve operational efficiency, many of them still attempt to diversify. These are often based on their original core competence, offering new products or services, and to expand into new territory or markets. While diversifying, they may not with enough financial resources for joint ventures or mergers, but with the foundation of core technology in related areas, SMEs can also achieve the effect of sustainable development. Comparing with companies focused on a single business, diversified companies have the opportunity to gain competitive advantage through synergy among the various business operations, which is difficult to imitate. However, an effective management system is necessary to achieve synergy effects. This study focuses on the relationship between management system and synergy effects in a related diversified small and medium enterprise. This case study looks into the Auden Techno Corporation, from three different directions – theory, real-world practice and awareness of top executives. This study analyzes the relationship between four management system and synergy effects, and proposes changes in the following areas. (1) Organizational structure, integration and coordination: Planning and execution of non-operating functions at remote sites should be centralized at the headquarters. As the size of the local site grows, execution can gradually de decentralized. Liaison should be established at the local sites for effective coordination and reporting. (2) Transfer pricing: In general, business units should be free to choose their suppliers, and internal trading should be establish based on mutual profits. However, low transfer pricing protection may apply for new business units in development stage, or strategic projects with expected synergy mandated by company policy. (3) Information sharing among business units: Information sharing platform should be established to facilitate information sharing, under appropriate security measures. Special projects may be selected, and ongoing information sharing should be done on selected topics in the form of project meetings. (4) Performance assessment and reward systems: rewards should be directly linked with performance assessment. The performance of headquarter functions should include improvements on shared resources, satisfaction of local units, and achievement of the corporate target. The performance of business units should include synergy effects, and the synergy effects at the corporate level should be fairly allocated to the participating business units. The performance of information sharing should be assessed by quantity and quality of the information, and included the performance generated by the resulting projects. |