高等教育發展於人才培育中是不可或缺的角色,且為了符合聯合國教育科學文化組織所提出教育政策,應滿足公平、適切和卓越三項原則。各大專院校系所自行制訂該系所的入學標準,以適切的入學標準、公平審核學生資格,並期望錄取之學生能有卓越表現。因此,本篇論文旨在探討入學標準是否符合系所特色,且欲了解學生潛質對於系所課程表現的影響,進而了解學生潛質是否符合該系所之特色,以達成適性揚才之目標。本研究利用資料探勘中分類、屬性選擇及關聯規則之技術,來發現影響學業表現因子,並且歸納、建立規則模型,然後依據此模型建置協助招生及決策人員所使用之決策支援系統並能給予建議,以作為提供招生委員會修改入學標準之建議。 ;In higher education, the selection of future students are critical to the success of education. Every universities establish their own admission criteria. Using the relevant admission criteria and equally examine applicants’ qualification, hoping to enroll the applicant which has excellent performance. Therefore, this research aims to establish a model for determine the suitable admission criteria for the features of the department. In order to understand the influence between the potential capability of student and specific subject, and further comprehend whether capability of student correspond to the features of the department or not.This paper apply data mining techniques including classification, attribute selection and association to discover the factors of affecting study performance and establish the model. The Decision Support Systems is built based on this model. It support admission committee to enroll students and moderfy the admission criteria.