近年來,隨著行動通訊技術的發展,擁有行動裝置的人數越來越多,無線頻譜也日益壅塞不敷使用,而在有限的頻譜資源下,該如何滿足日漸增多的行動通訊使用者,這個議題將會是一個新的出發點。 為解決通訊系統中上行鏈結的頻帶覆用問題,我們提出裝置對裝置(Device-to-Device, D2D)間通訊來改善頻寬擁擠的現象,D2D通訊允許使用者間直接做送收資料且不經由基地台聯繫,在建構出D2D的網路架構之下,我們將面臨到新的干擾問題,如:D2D裝置對基地台的干擾、傳統手機用戶與D2D用戶的干擾和不同D2D群組間的干擾。 而為了解決複雜的干擾問題,本文將以使用者的觀點出發,將使用者需求的傳輸量分為三個層級,並提出一個基於使用者滿意度之演算法,挑選適當的資源區塊給用戶,不僅可以有效降低干擾,更可以讓使用者的滿意度最大化。 模擬結果顯示出,隨著系統內的用戶數量增加時,我們提出的演算法可有效降低干擾,提升系統總體的吞吐量,更可以讓使用者滿意度優於其他的演算法。 ;Nowadays, thanks to the evolution of mobile communication, number of mobile equipment is increasing and bandwidth is also growing. Communication research wants to find how to achieve maximum throughput in the limited bandwidth. But, satisfaction of user was talk about rarely in studies. It’s an important issue under the trend of mobile communication. In order to overcome the problem of frequency reuse in communication systems in uplink, we propose the Device-to-Device communication to improve the problem of crowded resource. D2D communication allows user in close proximity to communicate directly without through the base station. After construct the D2D communications network, we face new interference, e.g. the interference from D2D user to base station, interference between difference D2D pairs and interference between cellular user and D2D user. In order to clear up the complicated interference problems, we divided user’s requirement data into three parts, and proposed an algorithm based on user satisfaction index. The proposed scheme not only reduces the interference, but also maximum user satisfaction index. Simulation results show that, our algorithm was suitable for a larger number of users. Because proposed algorithm is not only superior in system throughput, but also can receive higher user satisfaction index than others when system users growing.