近年來,智慧型手機的成長與進步,徹底地改變了人們過去的生活習慣。使用者不但可以隨時隨地上網搜尋資料更能透過下載各式不同的手機應用程(Apps)來為智慧型手機的功能進行擴充。也因如此,使用者對於App的應用需求相當多元,使得市場上充斥著琳瑯滿目的App供消費者選擇。App的數量越來越多想當然競爭會越來越激烈,如何在成千上萬的App中吸引使用者的目光,已成為開發者必需面臨的難題。摒除App的功能外,為App設計一個好的Icon圖標,已經成為吸引使用者目光的首要步驟。畢竟不管在任何智慧型手機平台所提供的應用程式商店搜尋App,第一眼看到的皆是App的Icon圖標。 本研究歸納出5種Icon圖標的設計屬性並在12種App類別以實驗法作探討。觀察5種Icon圖標設計屬性在不同App類別下的吸引力排名為何。且同時針對Icon圖標給予使用者的情感(Affect)影響與視覺上的支配性(Dominance)與意義性(Meaning)上作探討,觀察在不同的App類別下使用者在對Icon圖標產生的情感影響、支配性與意義性認知是否會影響Icon的吸引力排名。 經過研究後發現12種App類別皆有某一最合適的設計屬性能夠提升吸引力,且使用者對Icon圖標產生的情感(Affect)影響、支配性(Dominance)與意義性(Meaning)認知能夠顯著且正向的影響Icon圖標的吸引力。 ;In recent years, the growth and advancement of smartphones have completely changed the way people live. Users can not only search for information at any time, but also download a variety of apps to expand the functions of smartphones. Because of these causes, users have various requirements for app, so the market is filled with numerous apps for customers to choose. This situation results in intense competition. How to attract the attention of users in thousands apps, it has become the essential challenge which developer face. Put function aside, designing a good icon has become the first step to attract user’s attention. After all, when users search for apps, the first thing users see is the app’s icon. The research summarized five icon design attributes against twelve app categories, to observe the design attributes ranking of these twelve app categories. And simultaneously discuss the Dominance, Meaning and Affect of icon. In our result, we found that twelve App categories have a most suitable design attribute can enhance the attractiveness, and found Dominance, Meaning and Affect can significantly and positively affect the attractiveness of icon.