在產品生命週期日趨短暫的全球化市場的競爭環境下,各國際大廠為贏得競爭優勢,紛紛進行全球化的供應鏈布局,促使供應鏈管理日益複雜與困難。而資訊科技的蓬勃發展與網際網路的盛行,雖然對於全球化的供應鏈管理帶來很大的助益,卻也助長了「洩密問題」這個重要議題的增長。洩密事件對各產業的業者影響皆甚,其中尤以對產品生命週期相對短暫的資訊電子業影響最鉅,輕則影響公司商譽,重則將使公司失去市場競爭力並損失新產品上市可能帶來的可觀利益,因此各國際資訊電子大廠都相當重視新產品保密等安全工作,對於其供應鏈廠商之新產品的安全控管要求亦日趨嚴格。身處微利化的代工行業競爭環境裡的各家廠商,更須快速反應及快速滿足客戶對於新產品安全控管工作的需求,才能在產業中立足。 本研究以一個案例來探討如何以企業安全管理、資訊安全管理等國際標準及文獻為基礎,結合產業屬性及公司特性,以建置在資訊電子產業全球供應鏈下的新產品安全控管機制,乃提出SCFNP(Security Control Framework for New Product)方法,並透過問卷的方式,詢問各產業專家的意見,期使身處資訊電子產業全球化供應鏈下的各家廠商能有一參考依據,能建置快速反應及確實滿足國際大廠對於新產品安全控管的要求,以在該產業中立足與發展。 ;In an increasingly competitive environment with a shorter and shorter product life cycle in global market, the international firms have deployed their layout of global supply chain to gain competitive advantages. The stringent situation makes this supply chain become more complicated and also difficult to manage. Though, the booming of information technology and Internet has brought great help for the globalization of supply chain management, they also lead to the growth of the “Information leakage” issue. “Information leak” incidents make great impacts on these industries, especially for the electronics related industries due to their relative short product life cycles and the time-to-market nature. The impacts range from losing business reputations to the loss of their market competitiveness as well as not getting advantages from the new products launched to market. To prevent from these potential damages, the international companies are all putting great efforts to the security protection for new product launch. In addition, the security control of new products for suppliers also becomes increasingly stringent than before. In order to survive the “battle”, the manufacturers in marginal profit and competitive environment of foundry industry have to take actions for rapid responses and to meet customer demands for the security control of new products. In this thesis, how a corporate to apply security management, information security management and other international standards as well as literature to combine with the characteristics of industrial properties and companies to build in the mechanism of security control for new products under the global IT supply chain and electronic industries are studied. The author proposes the SCFNP (Security Control Framework for New Product) method. Based on tailored questionnaires, we are able to acquire the views from broad industry experts. The manufacturers that under the global supply chain of information and electronic industries can refer SCFNP for not only maintaining their business agilities, but also meeting the multinational company’s requirements of security control for new products.