近年來,功能型手機逐漸被智慧型手機取代,而且平板也逐漸取代小筆電,智慧型裝置的普及率越來越高,在智慧型裝置上的的應用程式(App)也逐漸受到大家的重視。隨著裝置與軟體的逐漸發展與普及,智慧型裝置上的功能性軟體,也有越來越多人使用。而應用程式的商業模式,也在近年來逐漸成為以軟體內購買(In-App Purchase, 簡稱IAP)為主流。在2014年底,Google Play 與Apple App Store的非遊戲應用程式的IAP收入佔總收入的比例遠遠超過去年同期。本研究利用計畫行為理論作為研究架構,並且加入衝動性購買與正面使用經驗,嘗試解釋使用者在功能性軟體上進行軟體內購買的行為。 本研究利用問卷調查法來蒐集資料,回收的有效樣本有114份,並且透過SmartPLS與SPSS進行SEM與邏輯回歸分析,以檢定研究假說。研究結果發現:一、計畫行為理論可以解釋使用者的軟體內購買的行為;二、衝動性購買確實會影響實際購買行為;三、正向使用經驗會對購買意圖造成影響,並且調節衝動性購買對實際行為的影響。 ;While the mobile market escalated in recent years, smart phones have gradually replaced feature phones, and tablets have replaced netbooks rapidly. With the growth of these smart devices, applications on these devices (App) also receive vast public acceptance, more and more people are using productivity software on them. In recent years, In-App Purchase (IAP) becomes the mainstream of business model on mobile application sales. At the end of 2014, non-gaming applications on Google Play and Apple App Store, are also on the rise. This study attempts to look into the in-App purchase behavior of user of productivity software, based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), supplemented with concepts of impulse buying and past user experiences. Data was collected from 114 valid informants through web-based questionnaires distributed through relevant social network groups. Result revealed that: (1) the extended TPB model is effective in explaining users’ in-app purchases behavior; (2) impulse buying also affects the actual purchase behavior; and (3) positive past experience affects purchase intentions and moderates the influence of impulsive buying to actual behavior.