近年來,生物可降解材料在醫學界備受矚目,原因之一是其能夠在植入後於人體內自行降解,不需藉由二次手術取出,減少病患進出醫院的次數。本研究將選用鎂、鋅、鈣為合金系統主元素,皆為人體內原有之金屬元素,以此製成非晶質合金後,期具有良好的生物相容性,同時,具有和骨骼相近之楊氏係數,可應用於可降解之骨科駐植物。然而,鎂鋅鈣非晶質合金在常溫下呈現脆性、工程性能較弱,因此實際應用於需載重之骨科駐植物上仍有困難尚待克服。本研究選用Mg64Zn31Ca5合金系統為基材,添加微米級鉭顆粒與球狀鈦六鋁四釩顆粒製作出非晶質合金複材。實驗結果顯示,鉭顆粒與基材結合情形較鈦顆粒良好,可有效提升其壓縮破裂強度,基材抗壓強度由890 MPa 提升至941 MPa,相較於添加鈦顆粒的782 MPa為高。但由於兩者皆無法有效阻擋Shear band傳遞所以沒有明顯塑性產生。;The biodegradable materials can be degraded spontaneously in human body after implanted, hence the secondary surgery is not required. Therefore, biodegradable materials draw lots of attention in the biomedical implant research. Magnesium, Zinc and Calcium are elements with high content in human body. The Mg-Zn-Ca amorphous alloy has become a potential candidate of degradable orthopedic implants due to its high bio-compatibility and compatible Young’s Modulus to human bones. However, the brittleness restricts its applications. In this study, Mg64Zn31Ca5 bulk metallic glass (BMG) was utilized as the matrix and enhances the plasticity by adding tantalum particles and spherical Ti-6Al-4V particles into the Mg-based BMG matrix. The results of compression test show both matrixes were strengthened by the dispersion strengthening effect of the particles addition. The fracture strength of Mg64Zn31Ca5 BMGC with Ta particle addition can be increased from 890 MPa to 941 MPa. However, no obvious improvement of plasticity can be obtained for these two Mg-based BMGC alloy systems due to the bad adhesion between the particles and the amorphous matrix.