漸凍人隨著時間會有各種程度的運動能力退化,除了使得漸凍人的生活品質大受影響之外,與外界的溝通也都受到不同程度的阻礙。這個情形不但讓病患及家屬的經濟負擔更為沉重之外,長期照顧病患的工作也會使得家屬及醫護人員感到疲憊不堪。因此,我們需要透過輔助系統讓病患可以提高生活自主性,使得他們不需要凡事都得依靠別人。 現今已有數種追瞳系統問市,各有其優缺點。基本上,追瞳系統都是透過影像方式來追蹤眼球,估算出人眼凝視螢幕的位置後,藉由座標對應之計算,進而控制滑鼠之移動與下達操控命令。然而,由於追瞳系統需透過人眼的凝視進行操控,人在長時間盯著螢幕的情況下,會增加眼睛的疲勞度,也有可能造成傷害。另外,漸凍人每隔一段時間,就必須被翻身以避免褥瘡,當翻身後,眼睛與追瞳系統的相對位置可能已經被改變了,此時就必須再重新進行系統的校正設定,這種不夠友善的設計會讓病人不願意採用。此外,追瞳系統通常價位都很高,非一般人可以負擔得起。 基於上述理由,又為了滿足病患運動退化的差異,並考慮漸凍人僅剩可運動之部位(例如:嘴巴、眼睛及眉毛等),本論文提出一套以感測器為基礎的輔助系統,利用紅外線感測器、顏色感測器與攝影機三種感測器作為選取開關,並搭配可運作於Android平台的溝通系統,透過簡單的架設,就可讓病人進行溝通系統之操作。透過這些感測器,病人可以藉由嘴巴的開闔、眼睛的開闔或眉毛的挑動來點選循輪式的選單,達到病人的需求表達的目的。本論文所提之各類感測器開關的有效性皆有經過實驗的設計來驗證。 ;Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis will have degeneration in exercising. In addition to their living quality, they have difficulty communicating with others at every level. This situation become patients and their family’s burden and it also makes family and medical personnel doctors feel tired when they have to spend long time caring patients. We need to use aid system to make patients enhance their self-care ability and they don’t need to depend on others in everything. Nowadays there are several Eye-Tracking Systems on the market, and they have advantages and disadvantages. Basically, these systems track eyeball through image. The systems calculate the location where eyes watch the screen. The system can control the mouse and give orders through the coordinates. However, because Eye-Tracking Systems work by catching the gazing, it will cause eyes fatigue and damages. Otherwise, people have to turn over amyotrophic lateral sclerosis to avoid pressure sore. When they turn over, the relative position between eyes and system may be different and have to be corrected again. The patients may not be willing to use this kind of unfriendly design. Besides, the price of Eye-Tracking systems is usually very high, and average people can’t afford it. In view of above mentioned reasons and to satisfy the difference of degeneration in the patients’ capability to act and also consider amyotrophic lateral sclerosis’s remaining active body. For example, the mouth, eyes and eyebrows, etc. This paper proposes a system based on the sensor with infrared sensor, color detecting system and camera as selective button. The system also uses communication system which can be applied to Android platform and it can let patients manipulate communication system with easy construction. Patients can pick rotational list through opening and closing the mouse and eyes or move eyebrow to express their needs. The effectiveness of every sensor in this essay has all been verified by experiment.