本論文建置預測技術平台主要是針對集中捲嵌入式永磁同步馬達(Interior permanent magnet synchronous motor , IPMSM)的振動問題進行有限元素法求解。針對低功率永磁馬達建置振動預測系統,以電磁-結構之雙重物理耦合場解析為目標,運用有限元素軟體(Maxwell)對馬達的電磁場進行求解,求出電磁力作用在轉、定子上的分佈及大小,後續將此電磁力數據匯入,進行電磁-結構雙重物理耦合場問題求解,以模擬逼近真馬達真實振動歷程。後續設計振動驗證平台,透過此平台進行馬達振動與噪音物理量直接量測,將模擬和實測數據進行一致性比較,建立振動預測系統之可性度。在建立高可性度之低功率永磁馬達振動、噪音預測系統之後,可調控馬達相關機結或電磁參數,以研究調控參數對振動與噪音的響應,並找出各個參數對振動的敏感度,從而提出振動改善之具體方案。;This paper studies how to establish a vibration prediction system of IPMSM. There are two parts of this research, The first part is using FEM software to simulate vibration of the motor, by utilizing ANSYS Maxwell to solve the electromagnetic forces acting on the tooth tips, then import these data to ANSYS Workbench to solve the vibration of motor. The second part is to build an experiment platform and use it to verify the result of simulation. After establishing the reliable simulation platform, we will obtain an optimal design from the FEM model to reducing the motor vibration.