本論文主要討論工具機使用安川(YASKAWA)驅動器本身之速度前饋情況下,驅動器參數中位置迴路增益K_p、速度迴路響應頻寬P_n、速度迴路積分時間常數T_i、前饋比例V_ff與前饋濾波器的時間常數τ之系統參數對精度最佳化關係,並利用基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)鑑別出最佳化參數。再依驅動器的特性,建立一個最佳化參數關係表,以此應用於實際工具機之加工上,藉此減少參數調整時間。 另外提出一個Space Filter空間濾波器用於路徑平滑化,改善相鄰相似軌跡不平滑,導致速度規劃不一致之類似造成工件產生刀痕之現象。並引入逆向工程學裡,網格平滑化的理論,用於改進此濾波器平滑化的方法之中,最後比較方法改進前後對路徑平滑效果的影響。 ;In this paper, we focus on optimizing the machining precision of computer numerically controlled milling machines using Yasukawa servo drive with speed loop feedforward. For the sake of finding the optimized machining accuracy, we use the genetic algorithm to adjust the drive’s parameters, including the position loop gain, speed loop gain, speed loop integral time constant, feedforward ratio and feedforward filter time constant. Due to the characteristics of the drive, we build an optimum parameter table that can enhance the efficiency of processing and reduce much of the time for setting parameters. In addition, we also present a Space Filter for smoothing tool paths and decreasing cutting streaks on a workpiece. According to the mesh smoothing theory of reverse engineering, we design a smoothing method of the filter, and in the end we use Rev CAD, a software developed for reverse engineering, to help comparing the effect of our smoothing method with that of the conventional approach.