Abstract: | 本論文的目的是研究數位相機定焦鏡頭與變焦鏡頭的實際設計,探討鏡頭對於現今數位像機的感光元件,其起始值規格應該如何制定。並且討論鏡頭的成像品質應該如何評估,才能符合使用需求。 在定焦系統中,實際設計了兩百萬畫素數位相機鏡頭以及四百萬畫素數位相機鏡頭。而在變焦系統中,首先是三十萬畫素變焦鏡頭設計,接著以此設計將畫素提升至一百三十萬畫素,並且變焦倍率提升至兩倍。 In the thesis, we first present the actual design for digital camera including both fixed lens and zoom lens. Then we discuss how to set the first order data according to the sensor. Finally we discuss how to appraise the quality of Image. In the system of fixed lens, we design actually the digital camera for the sensors of two million and four million pixels. In the system of zoom lens, we design actually the digital camera for the sensor of three hundred thousand pixels. Then, based on the data, we design actually the digital camera for the sensor of one million and three hundred thousand pixels. The zoom ratio of 2 is achieved. |