本研究利用透明板式熱交換器,使用空氣與水為工作流體,模擬冷媒在蒸發器入口的狀態,雷諾數範圍為50到250,用數位相機錄影的方式記錄不同擋板配置流動分布情況進行可視化觀察,實驗參數有不同擋板位置、不同擋板開口、熱交換器之入口處配置擋板和擋板與擋板間的間距大小。 實驗結果得知入口集管內部的板擋對流動分布有明顯的影響,擋集管上部的配置可以使入口集管內液氣均勻混合。而之後實驗配置皆以擋集管上部為配置,集管內部配置擋集管直徑的25%和50%兩者配置,對整體的流動分布差異不大,但集管內擋集管直徑的50%液氣混合較擋集管直徑的25%均勻。在入口設置擋板,受擋板的影響能迫使液氣混合後再流入入口集管可以有效改善流動分布,在入口配置擋集管直徑的25%和50%的擋板皆有好的流動分布。改變擋板與擋板間,兩擋板間距為五個平行流道,液氣混合的效果有好的流動分布,相對進出口的壓降也是最大的。 ;In this study, air-water two phase flow visualization experiment has been carried out using transparent acrylic plate heat exchanger to understand the flow distribution inside header and channels. The purpose is to simulate the refrigerant’s flow distribution inside evaporator using air-water as working fluid and improve the flow distribution by introducing the baffles. Experiments are carried out for Reynolds numbers ranging from 50 to 250 for two different baffle arrangement, namely, baffle on top and baffle on bottom of the header. Detailed studies on the effect of different baffle flow area ratio, header inlet flow area ratio, and baffle spacing are also carried out. The result shows that the insertion of baffle into the inlet of header has significant affect on flow distribution inside the plate heat exchanger without any header inlet flow area restriction. The baffle arrangement on upper half of the header showed uniform air-water mix in comparison to baffle arranged on bottom half of the header. So out of three different baffle flow area ratios (25%, 50% and 75%)at baffle arranged on upper half of header configuration, 25% and 50% flow area ratio significantly improved air-water mix compare to 75%. Between 25% and 50% flow area ratio, there is no significant difference in air-water mix has been observed. By restricting the flow at the entrance of header using baffle, the result showed significant improvement of air-water mix. Under restricted inlet flow condition, the baffle spacing on 5 channels, a uniform air-water flow distribution is achieved. But the pressure drop significantly increased.