本研究以探索性質化研究為主,將收集的資料清晰地整理、歸納與分析。首先我們了解到台灣目前勞工之工作環境多以責任制為主,而員工之滿意度普遍較他國低。根據政府出版物「中小企業白皮書」,台灣又以中小企業為主,約占全國企業的98%。全盤知悉台灣中小企業之特性及其優點與缺點後,運用相關理論來探討,台灣中小企業如何運用遊戲化達員工滿意度?透過遊戲化來改善員工高壓之工作環境及其困境。 ;The world′s leading information technology research and advisory company Gartner that treat Gamification as one of important technology. The Google Trend tell us, the English word and Chinese word as well that titles has been increasing even more rapidly than general search hits. Gamification is also reflected in an academic inquiry.
By taking qualitative research approach, this study is trying to explore the true meaning of Gamification and drawing on foreign case. We learned of Gamification in the foreign case and expected that staff’s satisfaction would increase. Then, we were all up against how to cope with the Gamification’s challenge.
At the first, this study tried to find out the Taiwan’s working environment that is overworked and underpaid. Therefore, according to the White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan that tell us, the Taiwan’s enterprises almost are small and medium enterprises. In the meantime, it could comprehend the characteristic, pro and cons. The findings showed Taiwan’s SMEs how to application of Gamification in personal management and its increase to staff′s satisfaction.