本論文中,我們提出了具表面電漿偏極子金屬微米環的滑軌式波導結構,並於金屬環內部產生奈米尺度的磁場。以多重物理量耦合模擬(COMSOL Multiphysics)分析在砷化鎵(GaAs)基板上之砷化銦鎵(InGaAs)波導及金屬微米環結構的特性。 我們先於金屬環表面設定正電荷,再由滑軌式InGaAs波導入射電磁波,在金屬環及介電質介面則引發表面電漿偏極子,此表面電漿偏極子會依循入射光行進方向運行,且帶動金屬環上的正電荷流動,形成電流。根據Biot-Savart law判斷,如此可在金屬環內中心區域形成奈米尺度的磁場。 ;In this thesis, we study the surface plasmon polariton effect on a metallic micro-ring to generate a nano-magnetic field. The structure consists of a metallic micro-ring and InGaAs pulley-type waveguide on GaAs substrate. COMSOL Multiphysics is used to analyze the device. Positive charges are positioned on the metallic micro-ring. The surface plasmon polariton is induced on the surface of metallic micro-ring by launching the light into the InGaAs waveguide. The propagation of the surface plasmon polariton along the direction of the incident light drives the charge flow to form an electric current on the metallic micro-ring. According to Biot-Savart law, it can form a nano-magnetic field in the center region of the metallic micro-ring.