本研究採個案研究法,以國內觸控面板廠龍頭TPK為研究對象,利用Porter的五力分析、鑽石模型分析以及Weihrich的SWOT分析為基礎,從個案企業的背景資料及營運狀況找出競爭優勢,並檢視大陸的產業環境及現況,找出個案的競爭策略,期能在惡劣環境中突破重圍,建立契機。本研究認為,台廠在面對紅色供應鏈的低價競爭與緊迫追趕之下,唯有保持創新與高效率、主攻高附加價值產品及走向差異化,才有突破重圍的機會。因此對業界提出如下建議:加強兩岸產業合作,積極參與大陸供應鏈,成為其重要合作夥伴;朝產業價值鏈兩端發展,上游的研發設計與下游的行銷服務,以高附加價值帶動企業成長;技術持續精進,加強研發與創新,挹注產業升級能量;透過購併、策略聯盟與國際合作等方式,取得技術、品牌及通路;由硬體製造轉為結合硬體、軟體及服務導向,提高企業附加價值。;This case study tries to identify the competitive advantage of the case company based on Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Diamond Model Analysis and Weihrich’s SWOT Analysis as well as the background information and operational conditions of the case company. This study makes the following suggestions: enhancing the cooperation between Taiwan and China and joining the Red Supply Chain; developing into research design and marketing service to improve add value; upgrading the technique by strengthening R&D and innovation; obtaining technique, brand and distribution channel through M&A and strategic alliance, and shifting from hardware manufacturing to integrating hardware, software and service orientation to increase add value.