延續近幾年研究桃園埤塘之變遷,本計畫擬探討埤塘變遷對客家族群產業轉變,運用過去研究成果,探討近年來桃園地區陂塘變遷對周圍客家產業之影響,據以提供營造客家產業升級、文化維護與生態永續之有利環境。桃園地區屬於台地地形的地理環境,早期為解決農田灌溉用水需求,開鑿超過一萬個以上大小不一的埤塘,使桃園有著「千埤之鄉」的美名。然而,過去數十年來,隨著急遽工業化與都市化的影響,農業人口及面積快速減少,土地利用與土地覆蓋物(Land Use and Land Cover, LULC)變遷劇烈,大量失去灌溉功能的埤塘被迫廢除、填平或轉型應用,所以其數量與面積急遽下降。加上政府公共建設之興建,如石門水庫、桃園大圳與石門大圳等水利設施陸續完成,加劇埤塘快速消失。本計畫擬利用過去研究中衛星影像與遙感探測技術(Remote Sensing Technology)監測埤塘之數量及面積變化之研究成果,再蒐集官方統計數據資料,包括近年來傳統產業、工業化、高科技產業變遷等數據資料,輔以地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System, GIS)中的環域分析(Buffer Zones),探討近年來桃園地區埤塘消長與周邊產業轉變之關聯性,藉由本計畫之研究結果,將有助於瞭解埤塘變遷對客家族群產業變遷之影響,可以對埤塘未來永續經營、文化維護與生態保存提出政策建言,裨益提升客家族群之生活福祉。 ;In order to continue with the researches of recent years concerning pond changes, this project will focus on the industry changes of the Hakka ethnicity due to the pond changes. The results of the past studies will be implemented to investigate the impact of the Hakka industry on pond changes in Taoyuan in recent years. It is expected that the government is able to create a favorable environment for the purpose of promoting the Hakka industry, civilization, and ecological sustainability. Hakka irrigation ponds are essentially adjustable water-supply facilities for the agricultural developments on the Taoyuan tableland in the early periods. However, the ponds were dramatically decreasing because of the severe changes of land-use and land-cover, which include the industrialization and urbanization. The project aims to use the satellite images and remote sensing technology of the results of the past studies to monitor changes of quantities and areas of ponds. Moreover, related statistics data will be collected, including traditional industries, industrialization, high-tech industry changes, and application of buffer zones in geographic information system, to discuss the relevance of the pond changes and peripheral industries. The result of this project will assist to understand the impact of industrial transition of the Hakka due to the above-mentioned pond changes. It will also provide tactics for relevant administrations with regard to the sustainable pond management. ;研究期間:10501 ~ 10511