摘要: | 隨著國人旅遊人數的提高,國內外航空公司紛紛加入國內的航空市場,並增闢新航線,相對地機場旅客報到櫃檯的需求也隨之增加。目前國內部分機場航站大廈在有限的櫃檯數量下,逐漸無法滿足各航空公司專屬櫃檯的需求,因此共用櫃檯的使用方式因應而生,而在共用櫃檯的指派上,依數量可分為固定與變動租用櫃檯數量兩種指派方法,以櫃檯資源使用效率來看,變動租用櫃檯數指派方式在櫃檯使用效率上是較高的。 在機場櫃檯指派的相關文獻中,僅有四篇文獻研究共用櫃檯指派,且未發現將系統最佳化之觀念應用於共用櫃檯與變動租用櫃檯數指派上的分析與研究。因此,本研究以旅客最小步行距離與最小擾亂度為目標,考量業者的作業需要,針對同班機不同時點櫃檯指派之容麻Z亂程度,及其他相關之限制條件,發展變動租用數共用櫃檯指派之整數規劃模式,以規劃適當的共用櫃檯指派組合。由於在大型問題時,模式中的變數及限制式相當多造成求解困難,因此本研究針對兩模式各發展一套啟發式求解演算法。為測試本研究模式與解法的績效,本研究參考國內一國際機場之現有設施及營運狀況,進行測試研究與敏感度分析。最後,根據測試結果,提出結論與建議。 Because of increased passenger demand, flights and airlines, the demand of checking counters required in Taiwan’s airports increases momentarily. Due to constrained space in airports, existing checking counters are gradually not sufficient for airline uses. Thus, the application of common-use counters becomes more popular than before. In general, there are two categories of assignment approaches to common-use counters, those are fixed and varied counter number. For utilization ratio of counters, the varied counter number approach is higher than the other. In literature, there have only four researches to the assignment of common-use counters, particularly none applying systematic analysis by varied counter number approach to airports. Hence, this research considers the objective of minimizing total passenger walking distance and total inconsistency, coupled with the constraint of allowable inconsistency of flight-to-common-use-counter in different time windows, and other related operating constraints, to develop an integer programming model by varied counter number approach, in order to help airport authorities solve common-use counter assignments. Due to many complicated factors that have to be considered in the model, the problem size of the model is expected to be huge, which would be difficult to solve. For this, we develop two heuristic solution framework to solve the model. Finally, to test how well the proposed models and the solution algorithms could be applied in real world, we perform a case study concerning the operations of a major airport in Taiwan. To enhance to applicability of the developed models and solution algorithms, the optimization software, CPLEX will be employed to perform tests on personal computers. The results show the model could be useful. |