光學式旋轉感知器利用物體本身表面具備的特殊紋路來進行識別,不需在轉軸上或旋轉元件上加工,因此不需要額外的加工技術才能達到高精度感知器的要求,同時也因光斑的特性,光學式旋轉感知器精度高,符合高精度角度感測器的需求。但目前針對於旋轉元件因外力、長時間運作所造成的旋轉元件的偏移傾角卻無法偵測與校正,因此本研究將以專利著手,從雷射光斑關鍵詞開始進行專利檢索,透過專利分析中的管理圖分析與技術功效矩陣圖分析中,了解此領域的發展趨勢,並縮小分析區域至特殊技術領域,並發掘出雷射光斑技術趨勢方向,觸發本研究設計概念,成功設計出「旋轉元件傾角感知器」,並透過2組的實施例測試,驗證本設計可有效達成旋轉元件的偏移傾角感知功能。;The optical rotary sensor with tilt detected function can detect a tilt angle of the rotary element by identified the speckle reflected from the surface of the element. A laser speckle reflected from the element is unartificial and random, so the detector has high precision without any manufacture process. The concept of the tilt detector is achieved from the patent analysis including patent search, trend analysis, technology-function matrix analysis and technical analysis. There are several experiments in this thesis to prove the concept. There are two control variables including different tilt angle and different pivot. The result of experiment can prove the design of the optical rotary sensor with tilt detected function can be applied in many different conditions.