近年來由於經濟結構及消費型態的變遷,消費者可支配所得也受到限制,支出及儲蓄也隨之而變。為了吸引消費者上門消費,業者必須花更多心思力求改變以滿足顧客之需。台灣地區量販店競爭激烈,經營店數已達飽和狀態,其百貨商場和量販店開店密度,也堪稱全世界的奇蹟。然而,要當世界第一並不容易,不斷的力求創新才能擁有持續地競爭優勢。各零售量販業為拓展客源,企業間更加劍拔驽張、競爭激烈。所採取的經營策略越趨多元化,台灣連鎖超商業者紛紛擴大門市經營,增加商品品項,跨越生鮮領域,此外,社區型超市也逐步滲透社區經營,加上隨著科技不斷的進步,數位化電子商務的突起,產業競爭日益白熱化。企業如何保有持續的競爭優勢一直是一個值得深入探討的研究主題,本研究選擇個案量販店做為研究對象,深入分析其面對內、外部環境改變而衍生的問題、困難與挑戰,從而持續改善,因應調整經營策略,期望再創佳績。 本研究採質性研究方法以文獻探討與深入訪談的方式,針對個案公司高階主管進行深度訪談彙整資料,運用SWOT分析針對個案公司經營模式分析並擬出因應策略來採取行動,本研究就個案公司提出五大優先如下:一.以人為本的理念延續。二.分店的改裝,強化單點競爭力。三.建立堡壘,提供差異化商品入選。四.數位化的企業網購的推廣。五.活潑且具彈性的行銷策略。 最後零售業要在高度密集的產業中繼續成長,須補足自己及競爭之間的空隙才有機會成長,也就是企業須有創新行銷及經營策略來發展出差異化的商品、服務及市場等,才有機會持續成長。企業間的競爭,已演變成彼此間價值鏈的優劣或差異性來決定是輸家或贏家。;Due to shifts in economic structure and consumption patterns in recent years, customers have limited disposable income which therefore influences expenditures and savings. Companies must strive for change to attract customers and satisfy customers’ need. Taiwan’s hypermarkets face fierce competition,given that their store number reaches maximum. As Taiwan has the world’s highestdensity of department stores and hypermarkets, only being innovative can help businesses maintain advantages. Competition becomes more intense when retail hypermarkets expand their reach to customers with diversified business strategies. Convenience chain stores bring fresh food into their product categories, community supermarkets are well-connected with local communities, and the rise of advanced technology and e-commerce also makes competition increasingly fierce. How businesses maintain advantages has long been a topic of discussion. This study investigates a case hypermarket and analyzes how it adjusts its business strategies to resolve challenges caused by internal and external environment shifts and to expect another sales growth.
This study adopts qualitative approach based on literature review and in-depth interview with executives of the case company. A SWOT analysis is used to examine the company’s business model and to propose action strategies. Five priorities are concluded in this study: (1) Persist the philosophy of “People First”; (2) Renovate the branch store to strengthen its competitiveness; (3) Identify the most competitive advantages and offer differentiated products; (4) Promote online shopping; (5) Adopt energetic and flexible marketing strategies.
Overall, to achieve business growth, retail industry must have innovative marketing and business strategies to develop differentiated products, service, and market. Quality and differentiation advantages within the value chain are the only way to determine success in the business competition.