近年來,越來越多教師將戲劇式學習應用在語言的教學上。因為戲劇式學習可以讓學生藉由在情境中真實體驗來學習。不只可以加深學習印象,還可以讓學生在未來面對相同或類似狀況時迅速做出反應。但是要在教室的有限空間內建置出有真實感的舞台是非常不容易的。 本研究建構了戲劇學習劇場,並結合教育戲劇與經驗學習設計出可在教室內使用的數位戲劇式學習。希望學生可以透過此系統所提供的擬真環境,與數位的面具、服裝、道具的輔助,在語言的學習上能有更佳的學習體驗。數位戲劇式學習模式除了可以加強學生在外語的口說對話與句型應用的能力外,我們也針對母語的學習設計出能讓學生理解文章架構、體驗文章情感、激發學生寫作靈感的數位戲劇式學習模式。 研究結果顯示,數位戲劇式學習模式在母語的教學上,透過編劇與在擬真的情境中展演,不僅可以將文章中的情感更容易且準確地傳達給學生,對於學生在寫作上的發揮也有不錯的效果。 ;Recently, more and more teachers use Drama-Based Learning in teaching languages. Due to Drama-Based Learning, students can learn from experiencing in real situations. It not only can deepen the impression of learning, but also allows students to respond quickly when they face the same or similar situation in the future. But to build a realistic stage is not easy in a limited space of the classroom. This study constructed Digital Learning Theater, and combined Drama-Based Learning with Experience Learning to design Digital Drama-Based Learning which can use in the classroom. We hope that students can have a better learning experience in learning a language by using this immersive environment and digital masks, costumes, props provided by the system. Digital Drama-Based Learning can help students not only enhance their ability of conversation and sentence applications in foreign language, but also understand the structure of article, experience the emotion of article and inspired writing inspiration in mother tongue. The results showed that through Digital Drama-Based Learning in mother tongue, teachers can express the emotion of article to students easily and accurately by using screenwriter and performances in realistic scenarios. It can also improve students′ writing ability.